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Pt.6 Married to another, even to Him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God

  ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY 10-29 (2020-21) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you follow along or listen… SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT– Contribute when you can.   MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the … Continue reading

pt.2 Two Kinds of Branches: Two Kinds of Works, Only One Kind of Fruit. (The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit)

There is only one vinyard and orchard in the care of the Father, it is seperated from the world, chosen by him, and there is one True vine which the father has cared for to bring forth fruit unto His own Glory. But there are Branches that bear no fruit and are essecially dead, the Father knows who are His and prunce the rest; there are branches which shoot forth from true branches that truly abide in the vine but they too need cleaned and pruned according to the Father’s will, so that the true branches can bring forth much fruit to the glory of God alone. Continue reading

The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit: Part 1. The Origin of the Seed Within the Fruit (John 14:22-15:27)

In this study we will be focusing on Jesus Christ as the vine of the analogy found in John 14-15.
The Word of God is the seed with in the fruit which the husbandman who is the Father has planted, the seed becomes a vine which brings forth branches which are Christ’s disciples, and if we bear fruit it must contains the same seed that has planted the vine- as kind is after kind, and fruit has its own seed within itself.
This is the first part on a series on “The Doctrine of Good Works and of the Fruits of the Spirit”. Continue reading

Part 17 (Last message of an expository series of 1 Timothy 6:3-21 – Gain is godliness? or Godliness is Gain! & Falsely named Science and How it helps to destroy the people of God)

This doctrine of establishing the church in the condescending grace of Christ will be opposed by the same men who oppose the Law of God as the oiko-nomian, and those counter wise teachers need opposed by strong Christian leadership, armed with knowledge to defend the hold of eternal life upon which the true church stands.
Leadership comprised of honorable men, who are proven as husbands and fathers who rule well the house-hold God hath given them, these men together form the collective body of the church which we call a Presbytery, Elder men who are family men, proven to be able to Oversee and Serve the church as the greater body of the family:
According to the Law of God Continue reading

Covenant Marriage: Its design, its purpose and its necessity

This is a message aimed at every Christian couple engaged in marriage, contemplating marriage, or preparing to enter into marriage to cause a serious meditation on the nature of the Covenant which Marriage encapsulates in what is to be a sacred bond as pure as Christ’s love for the church. Continue reading