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Audio Study Messages

Why We Keep the Feasts! Pt.5 Exposition of Colossians 2 (Sabbath Bible Study 8-15(2018) (Colossians 2:2-17)

JS LOWTHER - RNCM, November 22, 2018
Part of the Why We Keep the Feasts!? series, preached at a SABBATH BIBLE STUDY service

This message is an expository look as the text of Colossians chapter 2, with focus on verse 16; a verse which many abuse to nullify or abrogate the keeping of feasts by Christians directly commanded in YHWH GOD's WORD through his holy Law. The decision to expose this verse in it's lawful and historic context with the prior establishment of the Principality and Power of the Father with Christ is the only focus in this study, though it is part of the series "Why We Keep the Feasts" it is only studied to show the depths often used to find scripture to validate Christians presuppositions of A- and Anti- Nomianism.

As for US:
We walk in Him who is rooted, built up in Him, and stablished in the Faith, all of which will not leave us standing still but rather we will abound in the WORD of God with thanksgiving, moving forward in our walk in God's Word and being thankful he has revealed his perfect way to us, knowing it is impossible to obtain it's righteousness of ourself therefore we are rooted in Christ's righteousness wherein we can abound unto perfection by faith and sanctification.
So then what interpretation does context cast upon the possible meaning of:
Col_2:16-17 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ?
The way this verse is phrased is direct, How do we disallow other men from Judging us? Can we force him to not do so? If we ignore mens judgment of us it does not cause it to cease. The obvious answer is to desist in the action we are judge in by a man.

Tags: Christ the creative force, Christ the WORD, Colossians 2, complete in Him reconciliation, exposition, expository study, Lawful Epistemology, meat and drink, new moon sabbath, offerings, pronomianism, regard of a holy day, systematic theology, the body is of Christ, tithe

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« Why Should MY PEOPLE Should Keep the Feasts? Pt.4: Because it's YHWH's Service None Pt 6 Exposition Colossians 2 & Galatians intro (SBS 8-22-2018) »