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Part 11 Let No Man Despise Thy Youth- But Be Thou An Example of the Believers (1 Timothy 4:11-5:2)

“Let no man despise …”, the case will be that a man in leadership that is not comforted or exhorted by the truth of the word and it’s doctrine in application to his life of leadership as to produce a good example for those looking up to him as a steward of God, that is an economist of YHWH God’s Faith, will rather be despised and found a hypocrite by those who recognize his pride and inability to conform himself to the commands of holy scripture as his example and ultimate authority in judgment on every matter. Continue reading

Pt. 15 Applying Church Government Now (final message)

This is the final message on the subject of Church Government as it is a sub-series of “A Lawful Community of Election and Order”.
In this Study the application of many of the doctrinal points are reasserted at the forefront of our consideration while the application of the whole study is addressed with the Churches aim and goal in temporary or emergency measures as well as what the normative Presbyterian Episcopate is to look like in starting with a unit of 10 either Covenanted as kindred under a Patriarchal head or as non-relatives being aided by Pastoral means as the situation requires via scriptural support.
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pt.14 Of Whom Do Kings Exact Custom and Census? -Church Government

ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY 3-15 (2020) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you listen freely… Some one is still paying for it… MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com Church Government (continuation from: A Community of Election and Order) Part 14  Of Whom Do Kings Exact Custom and … Continue reading

pt. 13 Warfare and Tribute – Church Government

A Godly Nation knows the roles of men and women, because the future of the Nation is dependent upon a strong sense of patriarchal patriotism, before all other allegiances, the allegiance to God and His Law in aligning one to their Patrimony is the key to establishing a Christian Nation with a future, a nation that will both defend and offend when the Trumpet’s call is inevitable.

Ever wonder about how Old Testament Church Government fit into Romans 13?
To whom was Tribute due? and what was the tribute lawfully due?
How was tribute acquired when the Israelite Nation was under the marching orders of YHWH GOD?

All this and more in this Sabbath Bible Study with Bro. JS Lowther…. Continue reading

Pt. 12 Church Government- The Right to Defend Family Worship

The institution of Holy Worship according to the Law of God is the link between Judgment and War in the Presbyterian Episcopate Government of National Christian Israel, it is because a people who have proper leadership of fathers and Elders to worship according to the Law will desire to worship together, to assemble together, and those who desire the freedom to worship the LORD God (YHWH) as their conscience is bound by the Word of God will defend their right to worship together and to be judged by their own people, that is by their peers.
True freedom and true liberty for a Holy people is to have no hindrance upon their family to Worship peaceably and to protect that right to Worship by all the blood in their veins, all the money in their pockets and all the air in their lungs: Yea, all of their heart, mind and Soul and strength… with every bit of might God will grant a Godly people, that they will progress to worship more perfectly. Continue reading