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Pt. 15 Applying Church Government Now (final message)

This is the final message on the subject of Church Government as it is a sub-series of “A Lawful Community of Election and Order”.
In this Study the application of many of the doctrinal points are reasserted at the forefront of our consideration while the application of the whole study is addressed with the Churches aim and goal in temporary or emergency measures as well as what the normative Presbyterian Episcopate is to look like in starting with a unit of 10 either Covenanted as kindred under a Patriarchal head or as non-relatives being aided by Pastoral means as the situation requires via scriptural support.
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Pt.8 The Rule of LAW or the Law of Rule? (Lex Rex)

Looking at a biblical Church Government comprised of the organic kindred families of Israel, and those firmly seated in the Election of God by Grace through Faith unto the knowledge and truth in YHWH God’s ordained Law as commanded in Holy writ for the benefit of the individual, family and Nation.

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pt.7 Power Structure?

Looking at a biblical community comprised of the organic kindred families of Israel, and those firmly seated in the Election of God by Grace through Faith unto the knowledge and truth in YHWH God’s ordained Law as commanded in Holy writ for the benefit of the individual, family and Nation.

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pt.6 Presbyterian Episcopate of Judges and Heads

Looking at a biblical community comprised of the organic kindred families of Israel, and those firmly seated in the Election of God by Grace through Faith unto the knowledge and truth in YHWH God’s ordained Law as commanded in Holy writ for the benefit of the individual, family and Nation. Continue reading