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Part 14 1 Timothy 5:2-16 (Mother, Sister, Widow, Family, Nation)

While many dote about fables with an impressive genealogy of question begetting question, in this study as with the last “Father, Brother, Family, Nation) we are looking at the Household Law of God that is in Faith which stops the stupidity of the mysterious questions and gives answers which teach absolute truth and verity from the source of all truth, the Word of YHWH GOD-Ruler of Heaven and Earth!

There is a consistent morality taught by the Eternal God that is the original intention of the statements of Paul in 1 Tomothy 5:2-16, Before all else and every meaning one can imply into Paul’s words from out side of scripture concerning the care of widows we should understand this context from the primary perspective of the Law and Commandments of God as the consistent Christian verity concerning widows. In this study we look at Moses perfect solutions to these issues, as we see the perfect case example of faithful Boaz taking care of his own kindred, Ruth and Naomi (in the book of Ruth), as church man of his Family, kindred and Nation perfectly in order with the words of the inspired Apostle Paul. Continue reading

Ephesianism: The Family Church (Ephesians 5:22-6:9)

Ephesianism is doctrine which is able to be extracted from an exegetical text study and expository reading on the context of Ephesians.
This series is straight forward from the words of Paul; in this study we are aided by God’s Law in identifying sin as opposed to the Good works the Father before ordained in Christ and giving thanks for them to keep in context the well known Scriptural narrative in showing the super-nature of:
1. The will of God
2. The faithful in Christ as Beloved
3. The redemptive blood of Christ unto forgiveness of sin for the Beloved
4. The riches of YHWH God’s Grace, Glory and Mercy towards the Beloved
5. How the Nations of Promise are raised by the word of God
6. How the Individual is called into Christ’s Called out ones: His Church which is the Beloved
7. The greatness of the Lordship of Christ over all ages towards the Beloved
8. The role of God’s people in the ages and the ages to come
9. The Unity of the Church and the Hope of Her Calling
10. The gift Christ gives to men from His Grace as received by the Beloved
11. How a Saint might not walking in disobedience, but as beloved children of God
12. Giving Thanks for all things to God the Father in Christ
13. How the Beloved are Loved, Walk in Love and Love as Christ Loved them
14. How the Husbands and Wives of the Family in Heaven and Earth resemble Christ and the Church being one body.
15. How Children in the Beloved Family are to obey and honor their parents
16. How Servants are to obey their Masters, and Master’s to obey the LORD

It is with hopes that this study of clear scripture will show a concise base for salvation by Grace, as understood by all the faithful having it’s effect determined in the Purpose of God who works all things according to the council of HIS own Will. And that the revelation of this mystery will provoke the Faithful in Christ unto Good Works before ordained that the Church should walk in. Continue reading