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Audio Study Messages

pt.1 The Origin of the Seed Within the Fruit (The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit) (John 14:22-15:27)

JS LOWTHER- RNCM, December 29, 2020
Part of the The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit series, preached at a SABBATH BIBLE STUDY service

In this study we will be focusing on Jesus Christ as the vine of the analogy found in John 14-15.
The Word of God is the seed with in the fruit which the husbandman who is the Father has planted, the seed becomes a vine which brings forth branches which are Christ’s disciples, and if we bear fruit it must contains the same seed that has planted the vine- as kind is after kind, and fruit has its own seed within itself.
This is the first part on a series on "The Doctrine of Good Works and of the Fruits of the Spirit".

Tags: branches, condemnation, doctrine, faith, father, fruit, good works, Gospel, grace, husbandman, law, seed, Son Holy Spirit, systematic theology, vine, word of God

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« Part 17 (Last message of an expository series of 1 Timothy 6:3-21 -Gain is godliness? or Godliness is Gain! & Falsely named Science. ) None pt.2 Two Kinds of Branches: Two Kinds of Works, Only One Kind of Fruit »