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is a singular ministry outreach that offers an online presence for our local fellowship lead by Brother JS Lowther in SE Ohio, USA. Locally we would like to be known as  ‘Ohio Valley Called of Christ’.

We are puritanical, so nothing too fancy.

But if you are looking for those who are striving to live biblical lives in the real world then perhaps you’d like to come visit and worship with us?

If so? Please feel free to ask by the information provided at the bottom of this page
as our gatherings are by invitation only.

Before you do that… perhaps you’d like to know who we are a bit? 

Here is a little about our Theology & doctrine.

 We would be recognized by some of these generic terms as we understand their meaning to be Scripturally founded:

We are:


in our


(We accept that YHWH (the Godhead) has three distinguished functionary persons:

Father, Word- Son and Spirit all of which are Eternal.)
We teach this every New Month by the Historic Athanasian creed.


Covenant theological

in our


(We accept GOD and His Word as Eternal and therefore abidingly covenantal in all ages.)


in our

(We accept Faith in the LORD Jesu(s) Christ as the gift of God’s Grace, free & predestined, to elect saints who are chosen in Christ since before the world was; this is that we believe Justification unto eternal life with the forgiveness of sin’s condemnation is believed by Grace and not obtained by any works other than Christ’s works, by such Salvation through Justification a sinner is Sanctified by the cleansing Word-Call of God the Spirit and definitively Sanctified into the Presence of God, a believer is thus named a ‘Saint’ or Holy One’ to walk before God in Love.
In support of this truth, we embrace and accept
the essence of
all 5 Sola’s of the protestant reformation:

“Scripture alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone, Only YHWH GOD’s Glory.”


in our
Doctrine of Progressive Sanctification
(good works and holiness)

(We believe in the authority of the Law of Christ defining Good Works and holiness.
Christ who is God and With God as His Word changes not his standards of Holiness, standards which he the Word had given to Moses as the Perfect, Eternal, Holy, Just and Good Law of God.
As Saints Christians are to “walk before God and in Love”, such Love is walked towards God in the keeping of God’s Commandment.
All ‘walking’ is prescribed by the apostolic warrant to be according to ‘Good Word and Works’, these Good Works are a living worship and must come from none other source than the Holy Law (Hebrew: torah / Greek:  nomos), to have no root in the traditions of men.
The Christian Saint is instructed, corrected and perfectly furnished by the Holy Spirit Word of God, to foremost believe they have propitiation through Christ’s blood under the Gospel of Grace, but not to be found in his life without the Law of Christ, which is the same Eternal law God.
To live in such a way described are Spiritual blessings enjoyed in life on earth by Christian Saints

in our

(We believe the perfect ethical approach to life, society and government comes from God’s Holy Law without which  good and evil are unable to be fully known. It is the revealed and written Law of God as our standard that shows true justice for all logical and rational judgment.)




(We believe in racial distinction, and that these distinctions are GOD ordained and to be preserved in holy lawful matrimony intended to propagate ‘Kind after Kind’ fruitfulness and multiplicity.)

‘Patriarchal presbyterian’

in our


(We believe churches are comprised of houses / families of the same kindred foremost:  Godly husbands and fathers are the lawful and natural head of their respective houses. The head of the house is the natural God given pastor of the family flock and the over-seer of his genetic inheritance.

Regardless of numbers, a father as the ‘Rememberer’ or elder of his home is commanded to organize worship every week for his family’s Holy Convocation (jointly hearing and speaking the Word of God), and to join with other families and/or individuals in worship and fellowship
This unity is what we call the Church and its composition of families and individuals is the foundational institution of the body of Christ

We believe that Scripture teaches that fathers who are bound together in Covenant with each other to form an Eldership or Presbytery, which are constituted of units of 10’s, 50’s, 100’s, 1000’s.

Numbering by Oversight

Of the joint Presbytery one man for every 10 elders or less than 20 elders is taken as the Over-seer (KJV. bishop) of the Presbytery.
This elder in normal cases should foremost be of the prior office in ordination of Minister (KJV. deacon) and have performed the work of the ministry in his capacity faithfully to be “known” of the Church, having studied, prepared and served well in anticipation of receiving his own flock’s oversight.
Such a Minister is thus appointed to the office of Over-seer and desires the office before he is selected
having the abilities and gifts of over-sight according to scripture “to take care of the church of God”, such ordination is conferred by the agreement, “laying on of hands of the Presbytery” to be their Covenant Pastor. 

The Oversight or Pastorate is performed by his name which is synonymous with Numbering the Church:
A Pastor looks upon the needs of every elders (fathers with families), husbands and individuals with love and care as a shepherd his flock.
The work of a Pastor is to provide “decency and order” for the unity of the Church as its governing judge in terms of administrative and judicial judgment for the presbytery. The council of the Presbytery is to be used in all possible circumstances of judgment in a church matter, yet not to the interference of “all authority” given to the office in terms of lone judgments apart from council or a ‘veto’ when such a judgment is necessary in a decision or controversy.

Pastoring or Oversight is also in “Word and Deed“:
Ministering “In Word”
by Spiritual help through feeding the Word as Spiritual nourishment and water for the soul in:
Teaching & preaching the Word in speech means: reproving, rebuking, exhorting with all longsuffering and doctrine; protecting the church from heresy and error; giving an answer to the outside objectors of the church’s doctrine; and evangelizing new believers and converts to the churches system.
Ministering “In… Deed” by the physical needs as well, in cases of any physical or material help that might be needed to benefit or secure a member of the church in life or as they interact society.

Ministering Deacons
The functions of Ministry in the capacities heretofore stated are helped in a major way by the ordination of a Ministering Deacon who is a helping officers of the Over-seer in church administration of “word and deed” functions.
The Ministering Deacon is to be likewise ordained in the normal scriptural prescription, appointed to the office by abilities and gifts with an accompanied desire to serve or minister according to scripture.
uch ordination is acknowledged in the church by the “laying on of hands of the Presbytery” to be their Covenant Minister. 

Growth and Dominion
Beyond the unit of 10 as a the church presbytery of elders (married men) with one Pastoring 
Over-seer there is th biblical and lawful institution of forming a greater presbytery called an ‘episcopatewhich will help in maintaining the unity of the church as a whole, in relationships between church and church through representation.
The Episcopates in like manner have 1 Pastor / Over-seer who is selected by the presbytery of over-seers to minister in matters of organization and moderation when convened.

The system is begun, thus:
One Pastoring Over-seer is selected as representative of the church as a units of 10’s
(10 Presbyters / elders (10 married men with children in the church),

One Pastoring Over-seer is to be selected as representative in council (Episcopate) of the units of 50’s which contain 5 Overseers),
One Pastoring Over-seer is to be selected as representative in council (Episcopate) of the units of 100 which contain 10 Overseers),
One Pastoring Over-seer is to be selected as representative in council(Episcopate) of the units of 1000’s (100 Overseers),


in our


We believe Jesus Christ the resurrected is seated at the right hand of God the Father in the Heavens and Rules Now, He is LORD and King now, beside this truth, YHWH God will do mighty things upon the earth in the times to come: when He heals the blindness of the Gentiles in restoring the Christian Faith and Identity of the 12 tribes of Israel whom God hath chosen for His own Glory in blessing all the families and peoples of the earth according to the promises made to Abraham in Christ.

We believe Christian Israel’s tribes (144,000) will stand in the power and presence of the Lamb of God upon the hills of the earth as a Kingdom conquering and overcoming darkness by the Light of the Law and Gospel: Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus Christ. Such victories will happen through a governmental unity of presbyterial Churches as in the times of Moses and Joshua.
Nevertheless, a time of apostasy is appointed where satan / the devil / the old serpent and dragon can deceive the nations yet again. Yet, after the millennia and time of apostacy Christ will return to earth from heaven in his resurrected body, He shall put down all rule on earth and in heavenly places, He shall come to finally place all things under His feet!
Christ in His True Resurrected body who is the Son of God and Son of Man, the King of Kings and the LORD of Lords, the mighty God and judge of the whole earth shall place his feet upon Mt. Olive, and judge the earth in Righteousness according to His Holy Law.

YHWH (Father, Son and Spirit) will bring forth the resurrection of the dead at the last day, and Christ will judge all who lived for the secrets of their heart, as well as their good or evil deeds, Christ will judge the resurrected Just before his throne of Mercy and Grace giving a reward to those who have taught and kept His Law according to Scripture, while Christ will judge the unjust by the fierce wrath of the Lamb and before the throne of God the Father’s consuming Fire and Wrath which no man can approach or behold.

Hereafter the City and Temple of Heaven will be established and restored for the glory of YHWH’s dwelling place upon earth, the Heaven’s and Earth will be renewed; the temple will not be built by the will of carnal men, but by the resurrected saints named and unnamed in scripture, such will be according to God’s design in fulfillment of all the Scriptures thereof in a perfect unity of Law and Gospel which will prosper in the hand of Christ.

 “And all nations will flow unto it!”

As stated, these are generic terms and they mean different with variations in doctrine and understanding, but the list above should give an idea of who we are.



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