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Listen to and study with JS Lowther, as well as others on Biblical topics relevant to the Christian Life.

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Series: John's Gospel (1), Feast of Weeks- 2024 (3), Sanctification Doctrine (1), Decency and Order (1), Zif New Moon Convocation 2024 (1), ABIB New Moon Convocation 2024 (2), 3 Ways We Keep the Feast as Christians (4), This is the Condemnation (John 3:1-23 exposition) (2), 13th New Moon 2023ag (2), Adar's Kindred Message (7), Kingdom Living (1), Leviticus (Sabbath School) (24), Feast of Ingathering & Tabernacles mesages (1), Feast of Ingathering & Tabernacles 2023 (5), The Day of Atonements (1), 1 Peter Exposition: From Babes to a Holy Nation (8), Our General Doctrine (6), Christology (1), Sermons from the Psalms we sing (1), What is Convocation? (1), To Receive the Kingdom (3), No Other Foundation (3), Feast of Weeks 2023 (4), To Whom Shall We Go? (5), Passover & Unleavened-Bread 2023 (5), A Lesson in Baptism (4), An Expositional study of the Law (6), The Eternally New Covenant (5), Expostions of the Psalms we Sing (23), Doctrinal studies (1), 2 Corinthians Expo (12), AM devotional bible study (3), A Table of Grace (3), Covenantalism (14), liturgical calendar messages (28), Israel: Her History & Her Purpose (2), Sanctifying for Communion (3), Philippians- An Exposition (17), Expounding the Law of God (1), Botherhood & Brotherly Love (18), 1 John Exposition (20), The Book of Jude (1), Answers for Our Faith & Worship (5), Essence of Prayer (4), Principally Regulated by the Scripture (9), Congregational Worship, Psalms, Resuscitation (87), Our Regulative Principle of Worship (7), The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit (7), marriage (5), Historic Creeds of Chistendom (2), Messages on feast days (8), 1 Timothy Expo Study (17), Kingdom Family Camp 2020 (4), Lawful Community (23), Ephesianism (11), Why the Law? (4), The Simplicity of the Gospel (5), How Do We Keep the Feasts? (16), Hephzibite Messages (3), non-biblical feasts (holidays/holy days) (3), Why We Keep the Feasts!? (9), RJ Rushdoony: The World under God's Law (3), Answers from the Pentateuch (15), True Reformation (14), The LORD's Supper (1), The LORD's Supper (1), The LORD's Supper (6), The Word (4), The Gospel of the Kingdom (7), COMMON LAW of God (11), RUTH the last 4 chapters of Judges (3), Other Speakers (2), What is the (HOLY) SPIRIT? (7), A Reason to keep the Feasts (15), Abib (3), Covenants (1), Biblical Word Studies fo Real Life Use (1), Things to think about (26), Weekly Sabbath and New Moon services (15), Racial Adultery (4), Israel Identity (4), What is Faith? (1), What is TIME ? (3), What is BAPTISM (1), Exploring the Gospel Message (1), focusing on the kingdom (1), misc (1), What is GRACE? (1), Renewing The Covenant (1), Biblical culture (2), Sola Scrip Torah Apologetics (2), A reason for the feast of Purim (7), SAMPLE (1).
Date: 1969 (2), 1970 (18), 2000 (1), 2009 (3), 2011 (1), 2012 (1), 2013 (1), 2014 (1), 2015 (1), 2016 (1), 2017 (52), 2018 (55), 2019 (53), 2020 (52), 2021 (96), 2022 (106), 2023 (123), 2024 (82)

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Sermons (649)

Leviticus 23d (Leviticus 23:24-32: Trumpets & Atonement)
(Part of the Leviticus (Sabbath School) series).
Preached by OVCC on July 20, 2024 (Sabbath School).
pt.1 I Believe in God the Father Almighty
(Part of the Historic Creeds of Chistendom series).
Preached by JS LOWTHER- RNCM on July 20, 2024 (SABBATH BIBLE STUDY).
Worship service 3-15-2024ag
(Part of the Congregational Worship, Psalms, Resuscitation series).
Preached by RNCM on July 20, 2024 (Congregational Worship, Psalms, Resuscitation).
Seeing John 3:16 in Context
John 3:16 (Part of the John's Gospel series).
Preached by Pastor Lowther @ Sovereign Way on July 13, 2024 (SABBATH BIBLE STUDY).
Deuteronomy 23:1-8 Ecclesiastical Eldership and Heritage
Deuteronomy 23:1-2 (Part of the AM devotional bible study series).
Preached by Pastor Lowther @ Sovereign Way on July 13, 2024 (Sabbath School).
Worship service 3-8-2024ag
(Part of the Congregational Worship, Psalms, Resuscitation series).
Preached by Sovereign Way Reformed / RNCM on July 13, 2024 (Congregational Worship, Psalms, Resuscitation).
A Lesson Concerning Firstfruits-2024
(Part of the Feast of Weeks- 2024 series).
Preached by Kindred Hope Fellowship on July 5, 2024 (liturgical calendar message).
pt.2 Decency and Order (1 Corinthians 14:40): "Covenantal Commitments"
(Part of the Feast of Weeks- 2024 series).
Preached by Kindred Hope Fellowship on July 5, 2024 (SABBATH BIBLE STUDY).
The Discipline of Giving the Firstfruits of Your Time (Rev. Minister Hastings)
(Part of the Feast of Weeks- 2024 series).
Preached by Kindred Hope Fellowship on July 5, 2024 (New Moon).
Through the Sanctification of the Spirit
(Part of the Sanctification Doctrine series).
Preached by JS LOWTHER- RNCM on June 28, 2024 (Bible study).
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