For the (Abib)Agricultural Region:
Greater Appalachian Region & Ohio River Valley
(Weekly Sabbath follows the Gregorian weekday listed every month)
Below is the Calendar Moonth we are currently in
New Agricultural year for 2024
10th New Moon Day– Jan 30- thursdays
Sabbath for the 10th moonth are on thursdays
11th New Moon Day– Feb 28- friday
Sabbath for the 11th moonth are on Fridays
12th New Moon Day– Mar 30- sunday
Sabbath for the 12th moonth are on Sundays
*Esther’s Feast of Purim: Full moon Sabbath–
saturday evening of April 12th and sunday the 13th.
Agricultural New Year according to the Lights of Heaven
1st- New Moon Day– Apr 28- monday
Sabbath for the first month are on mondaysPassover day: the working day of sunday May 11th with Passover Meal and Communion in the evening.
Feast of Unleavened-bread Celebrated all week:
First Sabbath (15th day of the Moonth / Full moon Sabbath)
monday May 12th (starting the prior evening with Passover meal)Unto the
Last Sabbath (21st day of the moonth at evening into the 22nd day of the / Last quarter moon Sabbath)- monday May 19th (starting the prior evening2nd New Moon Day-May 27 Tuesdays
Sabbath for the Second month are on Tuesdays
*Last Sabbath of the Moonth is tuesday jun 24th is the day of Pentecost
starting the evening prior beginning the feast of Weeks (shabout).3rd New Moon Day– Jun 26 Thursdays
Sabbath for the Third month are on Thursdays
*The 3rd New Moon thursday jun 26th is the last day of the feast of Weeks (Shabout)
4th New Moon Day– July 25 Fridays
Sabbath for the Fourth month are on Fridays5th New Moon Day– Aug 25 Sunday
Sabbath for the Fifth month are on Sunday
6th New Moon Day– Sept 23 Tuesday
Sabbath for the Sixth month are on Tuesday
7th New Moon *Day of Trumpets– Oct 23 Thursday
Sabbath for the Seventh month are on Thursdays
*Day of Atonements starts the evening of thursday Oct 31st and ends the evening of friday Nov 1)
*Tabernacles Feast of Ingathering – thursday Nov 6-13th
*First Sabbath (15th day of the Moonth / Full moon Sabbath)
thursday Nov 6th (starting the prior evening)*Last Sabbath ( 22nd day of the / Last quarter moon Sabbath)-
thursday Nov 13th (ending at evening)
8th New Moon Day- Nov 21 Friday
Sabbath for the Eighth month are on Fridays
9th New Moon Day– Dec 21 Sunday
Sabbath for the Ninth month are on Sundays
What does our church’s Reformed Worship look like?
- A Call to Worship the LORD YHWH together
- Prayer guided by the direct words of Scripture
- The Singing of the Psalms and Hymns contained in God’s Words (and none other)
- Responsive and joint Scripture readings
- A convocated Reading of the Law / Torah / Pentateuch (Old Testament Lesson)
- The Hearing of the Gospel (New Testament Lesson).
- A Message from the Elder (Bible study teaching sermon)
- Confessions and creeds from the scripture directly,
- Frequent use in recital of the 10 Commandments and Lord’s Prayer
- An affirmation of the fellowship and instruction which we have through the acknowledgment and forgiveness of sin from scriptures such as 1 John and Psalm 103 which teach forgiveness of sin and fellowship with Father Son and Spirit through repentance.
- The use of the Historical Apostles Creed to confirm our commitment to the historically United Christian Gospel every mid-month service
- The use of the Historic Athanasian Creed to confirm our functional trinitarian faith and knowledge at the beginning of every month at our evening New Moon Service.
- Liturgical biblical calendar remembrances in time as recorded in scripture
In the Ohio River valley or want to travel to be with us?
If you would like to join us for worship on any Sabbath, New Moon or Feast please feel free to contact us at:
Call / Text: 740-538-372seven
( www.renewedcovenantministry.com )
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