Listen to and study with JS Lowther, as well as others on Biblical topics relevant to the Christian Life.
2-1 (2017) New Moon Sabbath Bible Study (Judges 6-7) ()
JS LOWTHER, May 26, 2017Part of the Weekly Sabbath and New Moon services series, preached at a Bible study service
2-1 (2017) New Moon Sabbath Bible Study
Picking Back up after ABIB with the book of Judges for the Weekly Sabbath Bible Study: Excitement builds as we read about Gideon and his Conversion from being a Baal tolerant Gentile Israelite from the tribe of Manasseh to a Faithful Warrior and soldier of YHWH. In this read we will also cover some of the concepts of the Midianite oppression and subjugation of Israel and the why YHWH Called Gideon as a man of valor before his full conversion. When one feels as if they need answers to the problems in the world, it would serve Biblical Christians well to take a look at Gideon.
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ReNEWed Covenant Ministry Sabbath Bible Studies
with JS Lowther
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