Why Can’t We Have Community? pt. 2 (No common communion in SOLA GRATIA via SOLA FIDE)
“Why Can’t We Have a Community? ”
As it pertains to Israelites who profess a faith in Christ, Why is that PROfession of a ‘Communion of Churches in Christ’ on the lips of many while the heart and mind is far from the reality of a CONfession?
Listen as we discuss the ramification of giving up The paramount principles of Sola Gratia via Sola Fide (Faith Alone) as to limit Jesu(s) as the Author and Finisher of true Faith which the Father wills, and the Spirit reveals in the life of every sinner. To have Community and Communion one with the other, every member of the body must be eating the bread of life, given by one common faith together.
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