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Compiled by JS LOWTHER
Part 7
(Hold Fast the Mystery of Godliness In Faith)
Chapter 3:8-16
A Creed
1 Timothy 1:15-17This is a faithful saying,
and worthy of all acceptation, that:
Christ Jesus – came into the world
to save sinners;
Of whom – I am chief.Howbeit
For this cause – I obtained mercy,That- In me first
Jesus Christ
Might shew forth – all longsuffering,
For a pattern – to them
Which should hereafter – believe on him
To life everlasting.As He is: King:
The only wise God,
Honored and glorified
forever and ever
A Creed of 1Timothy 3:16
Without Controversy:Great- is the mystery of godliness:
(That) God was:
In the flesh –Justified:
In the Spirit-
seen of angels:preached
In the Nations –
believed on:In the world –
In glory!
( II ) Deacons
1. likewise
2. be grave,
3. not double-tongued,
4. not given to much wine,
5. not greedy of filthy lucre;
6. Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.1Ti_3:10
7. And let these (Deacons of this mystery ) also first be proved or tested; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.1Ti_3:11
8. Even so must their wives be grave,
(this is another place where the Greek states it’s points differently:
“Wives Likewise ”
a. Likewise
b. Grave
c. not slanderers,
d. sober,
e. faithful in all things.1Ti 3:12
9. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling:
a. their children
b. and their own houses well.1Ti_3:13
10. For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves:
a. a good degree,
b. and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.1Ti 3:14 These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:
1Ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
1Ti 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Today we are going to focus again upon this point of Servitude as it pertains to the office of a deacon. Namely point
6. Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
Please, consider that while these are absolute standards that must faithful man of God, either Overseer, Deacon or of these men’s wives must have conversation in, your heart should desire as well to have this knowledge committed to us engrafted into your heart as a Christian who identifies with its truth, if it is truly known to you.
whiThout Controversy ” of as other translations say it “confessedly”, we find the phrase “Great- is the mystery of godliness: ” and in the 6th point I’ve enumerated in outline of this section of Holy writ, consider how Paul is admonishing, teaching and charging Timothy in the matter of the use of the office of a Deacon and his administration, remember, naturally this implies a man who is a servant or minister in no glorious way in title, but rather the only glory this slave may have to glory in is his service to “the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God Jesus Christ . As his servitude is entirely laid at the feet of Christ, having come into the world to save sinners; of whom this man particularly considers himself chief.
All this Mystery of King Jesus, is in him being: eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God , and this being faithfully accepted and placed at the forefront of this Deacons service in ministering to a world of law breaking sinners the mercy, longsuffering of God as example to them which should hereafter believe on Christ unto life everlasting, believing this mystery of Godliness, that Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh.
Remember, This mystery was summarized as being entrusted to soldiers to war a good warfare, in holding a firm and tight and unrelinquishable grip upon Faith showing its unfeigned / not fake nature, as faith which from a pure heart united inseparably from a good conscience in creating a pure conscience and thus being united to unfeigned faith- together the heart, mind and soul works by the faith given of the Holy spirit in this blessed mystery to issuing Godly edifying, or stewardship, an economy of God in faith, which is the balance and application of the household law of God when it’s total immersion is in Faith in Jesus Christ and in the Gospel unto repentance.
Why is this a legitimate mystery to be faithfully attested to in this confessional we made and how is it not of the mysteries condemned in 1Tim 1:4 ?
And the answer is that the fables or mystery the shut matter of godliness or of gravity, it is a grounded mystery concerning the nature of God as he is revealed in his word, and to the individual and collective believer.
When a Deacon is called to Hold the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience, he is called not become what his antithesis are explained to be in chapter 1:4 giving heed, or devoted to, having at the for front of their doctrine mysterious / shut matters + (Plus) the endless generations = (equaling) the administration of questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith, that is God’s house hold Law steeped in the expressed faith in a pure conscience- an end of the charge Paul gives to Timothy and thus that Timothy gives to the Deacon, Servant or Minister of the people of God he is entrusted to.
See, the end of the mystery of Godliness is:
(That) God –
was manifest:
in the flesh – Justified:
in the Spirit- seen of angels preachedIn the Nations – believed on
in the world – received in glory!
See this is a mystery of the godly, those who reverence God that must be held as mystery faithfully but in a pure conscience, that is in a heart pure and a good conscience that it is so.
The Servant of the king immortal, invisible, only wise God that was manifest in the flesh is an immense mystery, we have no way of knowing more concerning the generation of the question of God than that He is God beyond what the word tells us concerning the nature of Father, Son and Spirit which we know was active in communicating the manifestation of God in the Flesh as the justified son of man, the just one Jesus Christ. And thus justified also in the spirit, thus seen in the sight of the angels and therefore by angels preached to the Gentile Nations who believe on him in the physical world in time- wherefore God in fact is received In full glory by the mysterious manifestation of the Jesus Christ.
This sentiment is the mystery of our Godly faith and this sentiment is intertwined with the prior faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that:
Christ Jesus – came into the world
to save sinners;
Of whom we confess we are chief.For the cause of the believer to obtain mercy,
That In the believer first -Jesus Christ
Might shew forth – all longsuffering,
For a pattern – to them
Which should hereafter – believe on him
To life everlasting.As He is King :
The only wise God,
Honored and glorified
forever and ever
Amen- or in truth.
And thus, between the essence of these two creedal statements in combination with the prior manifestation of being:
1. Like the Overseer and having
2. gravity
3. singular reasonable words
4. having a sober administration
5. and in dealing honestly, reasonably and soberly in his gain by business or money
6. This mystery of the faith in a pure conscience, must be held by him as the rutter upon the ship, and as the steering boom upon the sail pressed forward by the spirit, for if this spiritual truth is not used faithfully it will topple the mast, and break the ship to sunders, therefor:
7. And let these (Deacons of this mystery ) also first be proved or tested; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.
And so let me say this upon this 7th point, if a Deacon is to be tested or proved and found blameless in his gravity or grounded disposition in all of these points including his firm hold upon the faith he holds in a pure conscience.
Now the word ‘blameless’ here in our KJV is in Greek: αν-εγ-κλη-τοι / en-eg-kle-toi G410, and importantly not the same Greek word as we saw in 1Ti_3:2 concerning the Elder and his relationship to his wife and children, which was an-epi-lepton meaning lit. ‘not over taken’ or unassailable”G423 -.
Rather this ‘blameless’ which the Deacons must be found to be is in Testing or proving in all these things.
1. likewise
2. be grave,
3. not double-tongued,
4. not given to much wine,
5. not greedy of filthy lucre;
6. Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
and so, this word here used and rendered ‘blameless’ carries with it a legal understanding in the context of where proving or testing or trial is concerned, for instance 2 good examples of this as in Exo_22:9 where the positive usage of this word is applied, that without the negative article in giving us an understanding of a ‘challenge’ or of being blamed of wrong doing or an allegation of wrong doing, that is a question is existing to prove if this man is blamable or blameless of doing a wrong, he is not yet found ‘blameless’ in the adjudication of wrongs but one has brought the charge.
Also another positive usage of this word is found in Paul’s hearing before Claudius Lysias in Act_23:28-29 is found being translated twice as ‘accused’ and once as ‘charged’- also in a hearing or trial like setting, this showing that this Deacon is in fact under the authority of a Judge in like manner of its use.
And to who else would this blamelessness be found by, but by the Judgment of the Overseer as a Judge, the Head Judge of this man’s unite to declare him at the time of his ‘proving’, ‘testing’ or ‘trial’ to be:
1. likewise the Overseer
2. be grave,
3. not double-tongued,
4. not given to much wine,
5. not greedy of filthy lucre;
6. Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
Yet, this does not say that no other jury like adjudication is not part of this proving, as it must be remembered that the whole of the system of appointing lawful Government over the church in the lawful and orderly fashion taught in the Word of God, is that the Overseer is the Elder of Elder, he is the man taken from among the presbytery of which he is made captain over in being the qualified elected Over seer.
So, while we may speak of the Overseer as having the ability to ‘veto’ or ‘forbid’ the initial ‘blamelessness’ finding of Presbytery (the council of church elders) – which will be the representative electorate of the church unit as a whole as a unit of at least 10, remember the Overseer is the representative standard of leadership by the Law of God that this potential Servant is compared to by the Presbytery that first endorses him as qualified , and we know this by the first point ‘1. Likewise ‘ the Overseer .
And so with this applied to the “testing” of a man who desires the office of Deacon, and who is elected to be Deacon by the local Presbytery, and who is confirmed and found at trial that he is immediately :
1. likewise the Overseer, grave, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre and Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience.
then the second trial is examined of the man’s personal Economy in his family, his personal stewardship as an edifier of the Law of God in his home in proper administration to his wife and children, especially, and if applicable to a covenantal family, also of his stewardship most especial in treatment of his own father and mother, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins and in this context of servants or slaves as well, and so forth as a man’s house hold that he does standup among in terms of support and sustenance.
Thus the next trial adjoined to the deacons character is the point also applied to the Overseer prior in our 16th point concerning our singular Overseer, where under the Deacons enumeration it shall appear as 8th.
8. Even so must their wives be grave,
(this is another place where the Greek states it’s points differently:
“Wives Likewise ”
a. Likewise
b. Grave
c. not slanderers,
d. sober,
e. faithful in all things.
And so we again have the list of words we have prior focused on, The wife here spoken of must be like the Deacon, Servant or minister sh is married to, having his same attributes only in the feminine and wifely form, holding the same values of the Gospel and the Law as does her husband, so to be joint representatives of the Grace of God by Faith:
Thus she also is:
b. Grave or having ‘Gravity’, or honorable in the sense of piousness or reverent in a Godly fashion, having that quality of knowing she is earthy though she is married to a Deacon of the church with an heavenly or spiritual office. She is grounded like he husband.
c. not slanderers, this is again not having the attributes of a devil, as the word diabolous, is the plural form of the word diablou- which is the synonym of devil. Thus it is here translated as ‘slanderer’ as we prior described in speaking of this subject at verses 7-8 concerning the deacon.
Therefore, this statement likewise answers back to all that we have said concerning being ” a novice” , being lifted up with pride, not grounded in mind, and of those who fall into the condemnation of the devil.
and that of having a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
Thus, if this woman is a proud promoter of slander and/or condemning by slander or slandering in any way that makes here labeled as a ‘slanderer’ which is an equivalent as saying she is a devil in her speech, she is indicative of a wife not like her husband if he is of the quality of a Servant and he like Overseer , she is the weakness and perhaps in many instances an example of the Deacons ability to serve properly, the Law and the Gospel in his home, not able to teach even his own wife non-slanderous-gravity of character.
d. sober, this term was used 1Ti_3:2 concerning the Overseer as well but translated “vigilant”, G3524 meaning to be watchful, and so it is certainly a soberness in that sense of not being distracted in this task of being a Servants wife, which will of course bring with it servitude by extension of helping others.
And so it is important to see this sobriety of character in the sense of a servant.
e. faithful in all things.
And so here is the Highest calling, calling this woman back to her faith, and importantly faith unfeigned as we saw in Timothy’s faith and the faith of the women in his life (His mother and grandmother Louis and Eunice). Trustworthy in all things certainly brings focus back on the Faith from a pure heart and a good conscience that likewise is a help mate to her husband as Deacon, and her husband’s Overseer which he is likewise also, in the administration of the Law and the Gospel, in teaching the mystery of Godliness most importantly as it is best adorned by a women professing godliness with her good works.
1Ti_ 2:11 Learning in silence with all subjection.
1Ti 2:12 Not teach, and not usurping authority over the man, but to be in adorned and demonstrated silence.
1Ti 3:12
9. Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling:
a. their children
b. and their own houses well.1Ti_3:13
10. For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves:
a. a good degree,
b. and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.
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