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Words from Last Sabbath: Pentecost, First fruits of Harvest, Feast of Weeks Fellowship

Here’s the audio from the Feast of Weeks Fellowship: Sabbath of Pentecost & the New Moon Convocation of the 3rd Month of Sivan:   Below are the morning and evening portions of our Convocations: AM Convocation with message: “First fruits Lessons” – Rev. Pastor JS Lowther Download    PM Convocation with message: “pt.2 Decency and Order (1 Corinthians 14:40): “Covenantal Commitments”” – Rev. Pastor JS Lowther Download  AM Convocation with Message: “The Discipline of Giving the Firstfruits of Your Time” – Rev. Minister J Hastings Download  Anyone seeking written material on the subjects of these sermons or why we worship … Continue reading

2nd New Moon of Zif 2024 Convocation and Fellowship

In this post you will find the audio from Our Morning and Evening New Moon of Zif 2024 Convocation and Fellowship: Here are 3 downloads or streaming audio files available to you:   Our Morning Call to Worship and Monthly Liturgy   Morning Bible Study Message by Rev. Pastor JS Lowther:  (Starts @27:30Min) “Decency and Order (1Corinthians 14:40)”   Evening Call to Worship & Sermon Message: by Rev. Minister J. Hastings (Message starts at 6:00 min) “Your life a Gift to the Church”    Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives … Continue reading

Words from Last Sabbath: Leviticus 21 and Message “Essence of Prayer pt.2 “

In this post you will find the last sabbath’s audio: Here are 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you: Our Morning Sabbath School Bible study Leviticus 21 Essence of Prayer Pt.2   6-5-2024 gregorian / 1-29-2024 agricultural    Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives for you. What will you spend on us? Give as You are able. CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUPPORT PAGE What does our church’s Reformed Worship look like? A Call to Worship the LORD YHWH together. Prayer guided by the direct words of Scripture. The … Continue reading

Unleavened-bread Sabbath Worship & Message- “It Behoved Him to be Made Like unto His Brethren”

  “It Behoved Him to be Made Like unto His Brethren”

A Blessed Happy Passover & Feast of Unleavened-Bread

Greetings RNCM readers and listeners, Brethren, friends!    I want to take some time this early AM before we get too busy to say a few encouraging words to those of you who follow along with what we do here through this out-reach. Today for us is Passover Day (5/21/2024), this evening and entering into the night will be among the highest point of worshipfulness we are encouraged to in the liturgical year, this is the one time a year we partake of the Lord’s Supper, also often called “Communion”. What is the Lord’s Supper? The Lord’s Supper is the … Continue reading