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Psalm 95’s exposition “O Come”, Worship and Numbers ch.6 Bible Study ‘the Nazarite vow’

Greetings Friends and Kindred, Below are the Audio files available for streaming listening or download: Morning Call to Worship including Psalm 95 b sung Psalm 95 Exposition “O Come” Sabbath School Discussions of the Law, Numbers ch.6 ‘The Nazarite Vow’  

Ezra 10: a Case for Separation and Segregation, Numbers ch.5, Sabbath Worship

Greetings friends and kindred, Here are the Audio files free for your listening from the prior Sabbath Convocation. We handled a subject that is tough to hear in our modern day, but a subject of biblical relevance and importance, a subject that flows from the pages of the book of Ezra- separation and segregation. In this message you will have explained how the bible can both encourage a homogenous people, as that of Israel in both being homogeneous and yet having an allowance for strangers to dwell in the gates at times as well; the statement seems to be contradictory, … Continue reading

Psalm 92 Exposition & Numbers Chapter 3 study, Video Pages

Greetings and Blessings friends and kindred, Here are the audio files that contain the Words from last Sabbath Convocation: Exposition of Psalm 92: “A Song for the Sabbath Day” Worship, Psalmody, Confession (Psalm 92 a Sung after sermon) Sabbah School Discussion: Numbers ch.3 “Decency of Order in the Church of Levi” Keep looking for our video page on YouTube to grow! https://renewedcovenantministry.com/video-page/

Psalm Expositions (90 &91), Worship, Book of Numbers Bible Study

Greetings online Friends and Kindred, Here is another blog post to get the links out for our latest activity at the home base in SE Ohio. Pastor Lowther has been continuing in his expositions on the Psalm that we sing in worship in the series devoted to this very thing: Expositions of the Psalms we Sing   Psalm 90 Exposition: “Our Dwelling Place” (Sorry the audio for Worship is not available for Psalm 90) Psalm 91 Exposition “Under His Wings Shalt Thou Trust” Worship service Psalm 91 (9-8-2024ag)    Numbers Bible Study   For anymore information on fellowship and worship … Continue reading

Christian America Ministries Israel Identity Conference 2024 Dec 27-28

Greetings Friends & Kindred,     Rev. Lowther from RNCM has been asked by his friend and fellow minister Rev. Matthew Dyer to participate in an online conference concerning different aspects of Israel Identity often called ‘the Anglo-Israel message’. There will be many speakers from various strains of theology and denominational backgrounds and while some of these speakers will have little to no relationship to one another in some areas of doctrine, there are a few things all will have as a core in their discussion: 1. The Bible is God’s Word 2. That Jesus Christ is the God of … Continue reading