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calendar method

Grego. Calendar helps for the agricultural year of 2023

The agricultural (Abib) region of Mid-Ohio River Valley

Finishing the Abib Year /  Gregorian  year 2023 starts

2nd New Moon- may 20st sat   Sabbath

Feast of weeks: eve 16th – eve 18th

3rd  New Moon- june 18th sun Sabbath

 Feast of weeks: eve 16th – eve 18th

4th  New Moon- july 18th  tues Sabbath

5th  New Moon- aug 17th  thurs Sabbath

6th  New Moon- sept 15th fri Sabbath

7th  New Moon of Trumpets – oct 15th sun Sabbath

 Atonements day Sabbath– oct 24th

Tabernacles week– oct 29th  -nov 5th

8th  New Moon– nov 13th mon Sabbath

9th  New Moon- dec 13th wed  Sabbath






New Moon dates are bold.

Memorial days are bold


Monthly lunar Sabbaths are bold.  

And special days are bold

Feast days are bold



Our Method of Proclamation  used for dates

As Lunar Sabbatarians, we believe that the book of Genesis 1:14 teaches that the lights of heaven were given by God to set time by signs (Ex 31:13), seasons or feasts (Ps 104:19, Lev 23), days (Gen 2:1-4, Ex 20:8) and years (Lev 25-26) in the life of man upon the earth, and by God’s law we have revelation that teaches us the appointed times of His Worship.
The lights of heaven having natural latitude of interpretation on earth due to the interactions of the heavenly and earthly elements has need to be interpreted in specific locations and in a particular fashion as to establish a common time of worship among a congregation, this time of unified worship are times of ‘Holy Convocation’.

The LORD God vests the interpretive decision of this latitude in the Congregation.             Leviticus 23:2 commands the Sons of Israel to proclaim the LORD’s feasts as Holy Convocations. Such proclamation, like a church bell, was done by a trumpet according to Numbers 10:10’s instructions; as well this institution is to be fortified in the Churches remembrance by the 7th New Moon of the year, which is directly called a Sabbath Day of Memorial of the blowing of Trumpets (Lev 23:24).The trumpet of the New Moon is to be blown in celebration, assembly and proclamation by the Church elders as representatives and heads of the people who have come together to Convoke in a holy order.
Because of this instruction, commandment and charge of God in accordance to His Law, the Men of our Church have come together with others and decided upon a method which has been adopted for the establishment of unity among us. Because the heavens are a faithful witness and therefore predictable by men as per God’s design, we have chosen to employ an astronomical and therefore scientific method for regulating our Seasons of Worship as to know the Gregorian Pagan dates for the Heavenly occurrence of the Feasts of the LORD which are proclaimed by us to be Holy Convocations, Namely, these days are: the New Moons, the Sabbaths and the Holy days.

Organic doctrinal foundation
When God began His work in creation He did so with light, and therefore the first light of the moon is accordingly given to work and not to rest. It is presumed that the time before the first light mentioned in Genesis is in alignment with the time of the dark moon or New Moon (B’Roshith), therefore, it is likewise to follow that the fist Sabbath enjoined to man as the 7th day of the week is the 8th day of the lunar month. The holistic lunar system is thus established since before the habitation of the earth, such is thereafter validated by the ordination of heaven’s lights usage on the 4th day of creation, and sealed by the hallowed blessing of GOD upon 7th day.

System of Thought
By the organic doctrinal foundation, the New Moon Feast is to be held during the dark of the moon and to be ended at the first evening when the moon is known to be in light, which is at the ending of the darkness of the moon, when the light of the moon is known to have shown.
The light of the moon must be present on the face of the moon by any form of observation knowable to man (which may or may not be seen with the naked eye) before the New Moon. Feast can be declared to be over and work is to commence for the new work week.
The ending of evening which happens in the known moon light is recognized as the end of the New Moon and start of the work week; whatsoever day of the Gregorian week that the  1st day of the New Moon (end of conjunction) falls on is the day held as the Sabbath for that lunar month-every 7th  day; the sabbatical phases of the moon will be nearby in  the sky every 7th day of every week until we arrive back at the time of the New Moon.

Example: If the New Moon ends on a sunday evening, then sunday is the Sabbath for the next 4 weeks.

Use of the Moon’s predictable Conjunction
use of terms

The Conjunction of the moon has been able to be accurately timed since ancient eras, and today the time of conjunction is easily calculable and found in modern documentation and observable by telescopic means.

The moon enters into total darkness at a time called the “dark moon”, and the moon leaves its dark shadow at the time in which light is present on the face of the moon: the whole dark period is calculated to last 23 hours and 37 minutes and may occur on 1 day resulting in a 29 day lunar month, or be split between 2 days resulting in a 30 day lunar month.
The exact center point of the dark moon is called ‘conjunction’.
The moon reveals its light no more than 13 hours after conjunction faithfully.
This faithful phenomena allows us to accurately predict the day which will be held as the New Moon / 1st day of the Month.
The moon must be predicted to be in conjunction at least 13 hours before that days evening time, in order for the New moon to end on that same evening, if this is not accomplished and the conjunction is not to happen within 13 hours of evening then the following day is also called by the name of the New Moon and is rather the actual 1st day of that Lunar Month, the New Moon Feast then ending at the following evening, and work commencing the night thereafter.

Examples of 29 and 30 day lunar months:

1. The 29 day month:
The Conjunction is predicted to happen on tuesday march 21st at 1:24 PM.
The dark moon however will not end until that night, there for the next day (wednesday march 22nd) is absolutely the day of the New Moon and the 1st day of the month, and therefore Wednesday is the sabbath for that lunar month.

The New Moon will end on the dark evening of march 22nd, work and the first day of the work week starts that night and is thereby on thursadays.

Through this interpretive decision we may jointly and yet independently predict and proclaim the feasts of the LORD YHWH together with very little error.

Hereby, all feasts may be known for years to come and planned for accordingly.

If you would like to join us for worship on any Sabbath, New Moon or Feast please feel free to contact Brother  Joshua at 740-538-3727

Also, you may email us via the web at RNCM@protonmail.com

RNCM ( www.renewedcovenantministry.com )



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