Greetings Kindred,
Just making a quick announcement about the first annual feasts of the year, and the dates we will be celebrating it this year of our LORD Jesus 2021.
The Dates of this years Festival of the first Agricultural Month are as follows:
New Moon Festival of the First Month called Abib (Green Ears):
pagan Wednesday, May the 12th
The 14th day of the First Month which is Passover’s Day:
pagan Tuesday, May the 25th
The 14th at evening & 15th day of the First Month which is the first day and Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread:
pagan Wednesday, May the 26th
The 21st at evening & 22nd Day of the First Month which is the last day and ending Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread:
pagan Wednesday, June the 2nd
All modern pagan Gregorian named dates include the evening prior to the day named.
These are the High Days and Festival times for the first month of Abib for our worship, service and celebration in the Ohio River Valley of the USA as they correspond to the local agricultural regulations of Biblically principled feast keeping by the lights in the Heaven as per the Holy Law of YHWH GOD in Leviticus chapter 23 and else where.
Please feel free to contact us by Email for any information we might be able to provide, or to inquire about attendance in Worship at .
If you would prefer to talk by phone please write us by email and leave your telephone # and we will get a call to you ASAP.
Many Blessings,
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