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New Moon of Abib 2024 New Year Convocation & Fellowship (audio)

In this post you will find the audio from our Morning and Evening New Moon of Abib 2024 New Year Convocation and Fellowship: Here are 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you: Our Morning New Moon Call to Worship & Bible study Message A Better Understanding of Abib and the Agricultural Year.     Our Evening New Moon Call to Worship & Sermon Message:  “Sanctified Time” by Brother Minister J. Hastings     Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives for you. What will you spend on us? Give as … Continue reading

Kept with Gladness? (1-22-2023)

 In this post you will find our 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you, as well as a link for all the messages offered during the feast of Unleavened bread 2023: “Kept with Gladness?” In this message we will be looking at the historical account of 2 Chronicles 30 during the reign of Hezekiah king of Judah, as we consider the Worshipful nature of the weeklong feast of Unleavened Bread and what Spirt must have been present in this time of Worship offered unto the LORD YHWH. With this thought we will explore the eternal nature of the … Continue reading

The Manhood of Christ and the Divinely Triumphant Entry

 In this post you will find our 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you. In preparing for the sanctity of the day of Passover (may 3rd) and prepare for the Lord’s Supper a message has been prepared and offered to focus on the meanings of this time of the year as well as the connection between this time and the life of Christ in the week leading up to the Paschal Day of the crucifixion: “The Manhood of Christ and the Divinely Triumphant Entry” With this message you will also find the call to worship & Psalmody that … Continue reading

Abib’s New Moon Week End (wednesday april 19-20th 2023)

1st New Moon of Abib Weekend worship and messages Wednesday april the 19th / 29th day of the 12th Moon of Adar: In AM Bible School we continued our reading of God’s Organic Law and discussed the text of Genesis 15-20 for our 8th part of this study. Looking at the life of Abraham and much of the Organic Law matter that can be picked off the surface of the text we had a great time of discussion and learning. In Evening Worship: We had our usual Call to Worship Service And the Message delivered was the final message in … Continue reading

Sanctifying for Communion Series

In these messages I have offered a bit on our practice and why we do as we do, but the main focus will be of preparing the heart, mind and soul of our congregation for that special time with Christ we believers look forward to every year in the mediation and observation of His Word to our heart, and how it is a time indeed not to be overlooked, ignored or taken lightly. Continue reading