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Words from Last Sabbath: Pentecost, First fruits of Harvest, Feast of Weeks Fellowship

Here’s the audio from the Feast of Weeks Fellowship: Sabbath of Pentecost & the New Moon Convocation of the 3rd Month of Sivan:   Below are the morning and evening portions of our Convocations: AM Convocation with message: “First fruits Lessons” – Rev. Pastor JS Lowther Download    PM Convocation with message: “pt.2 Decency and Order (1 Corinthians 14:40): “Covenantal Commitments”” – Rev. Pastor JS Lowther Download  AM Convocation with Message: “The Discipline of Giving the Firstfruits of Your Time” – Rev. Minister J Hastings Download  Anyone seeking written material on the subjects of these sermons or why we worship … Continue reading

2nd New Moon of Zif 2024 Convocation and Fellowship

In this post you will find the audio from Our Morning and Evening New Moon of Zif 2024 Convocation and Fellowship: Here are 3 downloads or streaming audio files available to you:   Our Morning Call to Worship and Monthly Liturgy   Morning Bible Study Message by Rev. Pastor JS Lowther:  (Starts @27:30Min) “Decency and Order (1Corinthians 14:40)”   Evening Call to Worship & Sermon Message: by Rev. Minister J. Hastings (Message starts at 6:00 min) “Your life a Gift to the Church”    Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives … Continue reading

13th New Moon Liturgical worship & Messages: “Reformed Faith, Lawful Life” , “Christ is King”

Here’s the audio from the 13th New Moon Convocation of 2nd Adar which was kept on Tuesday the 9th of pagan April. Below are the morning and evening portions of our Convocation: AM Convocation with message: “Reformed Faith Lawful Life” (Bible study)- JS Lowther PM Convocation with message: “Christ is King” – J Hastings If you are in Appalachia and would like to attend our special Monthly services, these messages will give you a good overview of how we worship and what we believe. Please contact us at rncministry@gmail.com if you are interested. We hope you enjoy, Blessings, RNCM

12th New Moon of Adar Liturgy & Message: “Adar’s Message: You are Part of a Drop in the Bucket”

Here is the audio from the 12th New Moon Convocation of Adar which was kept on Sunday the 10th of pagan March. This last New Moon we had a wonderful and fellowship filled Camp weekend, celebrating both the Sabbath and the New Moon together in the mountains of very rural Appalachia with nights of enjoyable camping, fun, dancing and fellowship with the church body. We hope to be able to do this again soon! We also had our first ordination service this last Sabbath as well as Brother Joshua Hasting’s has been ordained into the Ministry to hold an office … Continue reading

Words from last Sabbath: pre-ordination study&discussion, Worship & Psalm 150-“HalleluYaH: Praise Him in the Sanctuary”

In this post you will find our 4 download or streaming audio files available to you: AM Sabbath School Lesson and discussion: “Pre-ordination lesson on Church Government” Ministering Deacon’s Ordination Ceremony with homilies (JS Lowther & J. Hastings) Our Evening Message: Exposition of Psalm 150- “HalleluYaH: Praise Him in the Sanctuary” Our Sabbath Call to Worship, is from our Psalm 150, with prayer, praise and exposition of the same, OT Reading is Numbers 21 & NT Reading John 1, Confessional from 2 Tim 3:16-17. Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives … Continue reading