This page is devoted to the Apologetic & Mission oriented Arm of ReNewed Covenant Ministry (RNCM), for all the reason it’s title states:
Brother Lowther has partnered with Christian Reconstruction Radio ( ) for the mutual goal of promoting the Law and the Gospel to every area of life, all to Glory of God and praise to His only begotten Son our LORD Jesus Christ!
So this page will be used to help house some of the content prior to our partnership with CR101 as well as have an easy way to connect all of our content.
Please utilize the links provided below for ease of access:
Radio interview with Sean Caron –
Answering Ted R. Weiland –
Answering pertinent portions of “Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 20” – What is the Law of the New Covenant? , Is the time from Moses to Christ (“Mosaic Covenant”) a time when God accepted Faith as Righteousness? , What is the Cursed part of the Law? , Can Law Cancel a Promise before ratified? , Receiving the Spirit by baptism, or by the hearing of faith?
Answering “Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 24” – Faith as a fact from Moses to Christ (“Mosaic Covenant”), What does it mean: Required under the new covenant? , what about the Heavenly Pattern?, Feasts before Sinai ?, did God lie or did Moses tell the truth?, Circumcision (Abrahamic? Mosaic?), the tithe of ALL? you better pay under the new covenant to the new priesthood…who’s the new vicar of Christ?
Inconsistencies of interpretation and more…
Please see for the original messages we are responding to for a full context
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