Here is the audio from the 12th New Moon Convocation of Adar which was kept on Sunday the 10th of pagan March.
This last New Moon we had a wonderful and fellowship filled Camp weekend, celebrating both the Sabbath and the New Moon together in the mountains of very rural Appalachia with nights of enjoyable camping, fun, dancing and fellowship with the church body. We hope to be able to do this again soon!
We also had our first ordination service this last Sabbath as well as Brother Joshua Hasting’s has been ordained into the Ministry to hold an office of Ministering Deacon as a servant to our greater outreach in the Appalachian region.
The Whole event was a very exciting time, and we greatly enjoyed ourselves, especially with seeing all the sanctity and joy for the growth of the church as well as the children enjoying life in the spirit of holiness of one another as a Kindred Covenant Family.
Unfortunately, we did not capture the evening Worship Service at 5:00 PM Service this time.
Below is the message from the day prior and the day of the New Moon (Saturday March 9th & 10th).
pre-ordination study & discussion, Worship & Psalm 150-“HalleluYaH: Praise Him in the Sanctuary”
Ministering Deacon’s Ordination Ceremony with homilies (JS Lowther & J. Hastings)
Word’s From the New Moon: (Sermon starts at about 29 min mark)
“Adar’s Message: You are Part of a Drop in the Bucket”
We hope you enjoy,
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