Greetings again from RNCM!
Another monthly announcement to keep you up to speed on the monthly Schedule we will be holding for Bible Study this coming 4th agricultural month of the year commonly called 2020, starting on the Gregorian date known as 7-21-2020 (as can be seen at the top right corner of the provided Calendar image below), making bible study to be held every tuesday for this month.
You may also find a more comprehensive list and explanation of the New Moon Based biblical calendar we schedule Sabbath Bible Studies HERE
A word on the world and our goals and purpose and reminder
Much is happening in the world these days that should have the Christian’s gears turning as to how we should respond to the cloud that is looming over the West. In such a dark time of fear and invasive tyranny what should we be doing? And how can we understand what to do?
The answer is in the hope provided in the Gospel of Christ and in the order given in the Law of God as it is revealed in Scripture.
Sadly, Christians have placed a high value on the cares of this world in this present time and on superficial ‘good(s)’, while allowing their spiritual foundations to fall into ruin, such spiritual ruin does not only affect ones spiritual walk, but also how we view the world we interact with.
The Goal of Renewed Covenant Ministry has always been to help point out biblical realities (BR) that affect both aspects of the believers life, in the spiritual and the physical, and how a reconciliation as found only in the work of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God and the manifest Son of Man (Adam) is the only remedy to heal that divide between the two natures which exist in the life of a believer.
This is very much why we are ReNewed Covenant Ministry, because of our firm belief that God will Renew the heart, mind and soul of His Covenant people unto knowledge of His Law which first teaches the knowledge of sin by the Law and with it gives confidence of the Grace of forgiveness of sin and iniquity through the activation of Faith in a Believers life (Jer 31, Heb 8, Eph 1-2:10). This is a Renewal to every generation of God’s Elect Covenant people is like the Renewal that happens every month in the sign given by the New Moon (Ex 31:13).
Like the New Moon YHWH God ordained in the heavens for a sign and witness, to seasons, days and years ( Gen 1:14-18), so it is connected to the New Covenant: Together we have an intrinsic monthly witness to pause, rest and worship in reflection of God’s mercy that it endures forever, even unto every generation!
Psalm 89:34-37 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.
Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David.
His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.
It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.
To our regular internet listeners and supporters, Thank you for supporting Renewed Covenant Ministry!
Many blessings according to His Will,
Bro. JS Lowther
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