A Word About the Calendar.
This is the last New Moon to occur in the Gregorian year of 2019.
While we do not support the years beginning and ending according to an abstract day in the winter season, it is the least confusing way to harmonize the agricultural, solar, stellar year with the lunar month, week and day with seemingly the least compromise.
New Year is a great time to discuss this subject with family and friends (If they will let you ;), and to consider the calendar system Christians use as a whole in our society today and yesterday. A thought every Christian should at least consider, that while many think it is perfectly acceptable to use the pagan days, weeks and months in complete ignorant derogation of the heavenly and biblical reality it is easy to point out evidence that this is a failure on the part of Christians of times past: American theonomy, European reform, and prior Katholic dominance of Europe since the 2nd century AD, all failed to deconstruct the pagan implications upon time in there respective cultures and replace that culture with a biblical reality to the Gory of God and in the name of Jesu(s) Christ.
Many people do not realize that by a capitulation to foreign time calculation in replacement of an attempt to realize the biblical and heavenly paradigm is a mark of a week Christian culture swimming in paganism, and worse, a culture that can not root it’s children and future generations into a consistent biblical world view. This is not because the pagan non-believer or half hearted Christian is complacent, but it is because the True believing Christian who knows that “the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof” is not engaged in dominating paganism in the pagan’s life. As Christians we are convinced “the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof” and that “an idol is nothing”, but have gone beyond that and asserted the positive for our selves and families, that we know How the Lord of the Earth and the fullness thereof has ordained us to govern our time? These are two different aspects of self and family government:
1. the conviction and Saving Faith that there is one God who rules
2. Implementing the rules of the God we are convicted by and saved by to advance his Kingdom
Some on grounds of abolition, by the destruction of Israel’s temple, or on grounds of the crucifixion of Jesu(s) , or both, some Christians may feel that the holy days of YHWH and his calendar are irrelevant (a position RNCM does NOT hold) but it must nevertheless be admitted that those same Christians are positively admitting to use of pagan time reckoning in preference to a Biblical / heavenly attempt. Agreeing to the names pagans had called their days by in Christian worship or family life is atrocious for a covenant people to continued with no recognition of it’s failure.
Did you know? That even the Puritan father’s of America and England began in the 1600’s began to stop the use of month and day names for this very reason, because of it’s pagan and papal error- as can be seen in various places in the journal of John Winthrop who was the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony for 12 of the first 20 years of it’s existence.
Just some things to think about…
There are Some interesting and informative things to notice in Israel’s history on this 9th month!
RNCM – Bro. JS Lowther
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