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Compiled by JS LOWTHER
(Half Time of the Mystery)
Overview of Ephesians ch. 1-3
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Except for the numbered points used in notes, provided below:
Ephesians Ch.1:
1. -v.1 Paul considers himself an apostle by God’s will and not his own
2. to the Faithful in Christ which this letter is written to
3.-v.3 The content in this letter contains the blessings given by the Father of Jesus Christ, who gives spiritual blessings IN heavenly places IN Christ
4. v. 4These blessings given are that these faithful IN Christ should be holy and blameless before him as adopted sons to Himself through Christ; this is all by the Father’s choosing, it is a predestination done by the Father’s good pleasure according to His will , said to be before the foundation of the world (cosmos) that is all the created universe.
5. v. 6- This all is the high praise of the Father’s glory, that is all of this is the most pure meaning of Grace, a free gift, that is favor shown to us by the Father because he loves those who are IN the Son, who is the beloved.
6. v.10- This love is found in the blood of the beloved son, the ransom or redemption of our sins, a free payment made of rich grace which approaches us or abounds to us as all of our wisdom and intelligence or knowledge, this act of the father and how those who can receive this free gift in Christ’s bloodshed for them is the revelation of the great mystery of ages- which God the Father was pleased with through all ages to purpose in Christ to unite heaven and earth.
7. v.11- This is a chosen inheritance, to be predestined according to the purpose of God who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, that is it is both the inheritance given of God for us to be in his son, and it is our heritage to be IN Christ in this predestination, to both be God’s people chosen by Grace, but for us to also have as the nature of our redeemed being to choose Christ’s blood as the grounds for our redemption, to see his Free gift given for us to succor a people unto himself (holy and without blame, walking before Him in Love, all made possible by the beloved son of God)
in Eph_1:12 we see a compound word only used 1 time in the whole canon. that is pro-elpikōtas , elpizō is hope or expect and to pro-elpizō is to hope in before all else, some commentaries such as Mathew Henry say this is referring to the Israelites who believed In the Messiah before Christ came in the flesh, others say it is dealing with the fore-front hope a believer has as his inheritance, and so because the mystery of the Gentiles being those redeemed to the common wealth of Israel, and by redemption of this context of inheritance which biblically has been as Deu_32:8-9 (Brenton LXX) When the Most High divided the nations (gentiles), when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord (YHWH), Israel was the line of his inheritance. (The Hebrew Identifies the angels or messengers as Israel, which is those who carry the word of faith throughout the world). In this 7th point, I bring this up, because this mystery of the Nations Christ came to redeem is the reconciliation of the 2 opinions most very learned commentators disagree upon, that is that pro-elpizō is found as the heritage of the LORD / YHWH’s people, Jacob the Lot of the Father’s inheritance, and in the angelic messengers who will hope before all else in the Grace of that choice, Israel is chosen unto far and near, the people of this lot God had chose since the world was founded have within them the people who are called to hope before hope was understood, a people who fervently desire to hope upon the Lord.
One of the earliest places we can see this pro-hope expressed clearly is in one of the Fathers of the Nation of Israel Enos son of Seth: the LXX says in Gen_4:26 …he hoped to call on the name of the Lord God.
What a blessed inheritance to be called to by election, to be one of the many people in the world who trust in Christ and to be one who hopes to call upon YHWH.
8. v. 13 this inheritance of the elected people which hopes before all else in the Name of YHWH as all of our hope, we even find in that expectation of hope which we have in Christ the Gospel / good-news of salvation, a seal placed upon our life to succor us. like a wax seal placed upon the king’s scroll, upon the sealing of the Word of God in our heart by faith not to be broken nor tampered with as it was impressed by the Holy spirit himself. This seal, is as a down payment in our life when we consider our faith and trust in it, it is the certainty of the spirit that a redemption of Christ’s purchase by his blood will result in praise which we are the mouth piece for of his glory, and not our own, and not to anything we had done, but all to the glory of what the Father has done by the redemption of Christ for all of His elect.
9. v. 17-22 simply the wisdom of this knowledge and acceptance of this knowledge gives us hope in the calling the Saint is called to, that is the inheritance he has in us when we see the authority of Christ the beloved, who the saints have been in since the foundation of the world, before the time of Christ’s coming, at the time of Christ’s perfect life, his delivering crucifixion and death, and in the power of His justifying resurrection, and now at the time when he is seated at the head seat of authority and power in heaven and earth, all of Christ’s people who have been given to him perpetually have this heritage, A brother who is the king of glory, that has purchased them from the government, the dominion of sin and death they had been sold into by their own selfish lust, which their fathers had made the covenant of death with despite the giving of the word of God for the good of all. Though the power of Earth is confined to the Church of Christ, his literal body in heaven and earth, the authority and blessing able to be dispensed by the Church, the Elect will bless all, in furthering the Gospel able to be heard by the Elect in Christ, but also by the Justice of the Law of God fulfilled in the society ruled by the Church, and this shall be so “not only in this age but also in the one to come.”( Eph_1:21 ), a goal never to be relinquished by the body of Christ on earth who’s inheritance in death is in heaven.
Ephesians Ch.2:
1. v. 1-10- Taught us very clearly that the Faithful in Christ elected such, in the flesh are born into this world dead in sin and prone to trespass in our walk, following animal instincts, walking a road like all other things. We were wallowing in selfish lust (Eph_2:3), natural children of wrath: mentally and actively.
and it was only by this mercy and love the father had for us, it was only by Grace, the free gift of God this dead sinner was made alive to his dead state to his utter need for Christ to live, an in this resurrection the dry bones of a dead sinner slain in the valley Jezreel these bones are raised up by the holy spirit like Christ was raised join together, these bones are covered with tendons and sinew and living flesh, and these dry bones now standing up as a man are made to fully live by breath given by God but which is continued by that which he has raised up to live and be part of his army (Eze_37:1-14), his church) This is the symbolic use of the house of Israel throughout the law and the prophets of a people dead and asleep, blind and in slumber.
And so, in being dead on our feat for ages as a lost people, and for us personally as dead on our feet walking as children of wrath, we could do nothing to live of our self, we could not even get the message lest like Ezekiel and Paul an angelic ambassador was sent, lest the word of God was preached, and so faith comes by hearing the Gospel from the word of God because God has first raised you up to receive his spirit.
So in fact because we were dead, and Grace came by faith to us we are YHWH’s workmanship created IN Christ, and that by God’s will to be merciful and loving to us since the foundation of the world.
We are made in our renewal and new life to do what God has commanded as his workmanship, would those who know the reality of their dead state they had been awakened from dare not obey the one who has awakened them when they hear the command of his voice again?
2. v.11- And so we are reminded of this, as the Ephesians are reminded they were uncircumcised, and not born into the commonwealth or citizenship of God’s Law, knowing God’s word, even less than those of Paul’s people of Judea who were circumcised, who had access to the Law and word of God, the house of Judah was close at hand to the commonwealth of Israel, but the Ephesians knew nothing but what the Jews in their own land has told them, as Paul is now telling them: Ezekiel prophesied in Eze_37:11 Israel’s….’bones are dried up, and hope is lost; they are indeed cut off.’
3. v.13- and by this resurrection intended for the close and the far , that is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah the people of God’s inheritance are united in one body of those believers who are redeemed In Christ. By the forgiveness of sin and trespass both people of inheritance were redeemed In the body of Christ, having been foreordained by God’s Grace to this end. This is not peace of all Israel, but only peace in Christ which will be shared by those who possess this same heritage of forgiveness of sin in Christ’s death, and who possess the same heritage of Justification by faith in the power of that uniting resurrection.
In the forgiveness of sin and raising from the dead by Grace the far are brought near, peace is granted and in the justification by faith a great wall is broken down between us and God and between all members of this united body of Christ, both have access in one Spirit to the Father. Eph_2:18
All united in Christ’s body are citizens of the commonwealth of Israel, and of the kinship redeemed household of God.
This places the Church as a continuation of the apostles and prophets, a continuation of the story of the bible in this age, and in the age between us and the book of Acts.
of Chapter 3 it is best summarized is that Paul is the steward of this Grace in revealing how God would redeem the Gentiles in Christ in the way heretofore described. And that Paul is writing this theological work by systematic efforts to confirm to the Church the love, mercy and people they receive by Grace, and the special status the church holds generation after generation, age after age IN Christ, that this Election is God’s doing not your own, why did you believe? why sis you see the kingdom? why do you desire God’s good works before ordained for you, why do you cling to the cross and empty tomb as all of your hope and strength? It is by Grace, a free gift only given to the Church, the commonwealth and citizenship of Israel, the people of YHWH God’s inheritance, his messengers and saints, His family adopted in Christ by his own will which none can oppose.
Get out your Bible turn to Ephesians and study to show your self approved …
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