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Words from Last Sabbath: Leviticus 19 d, Worship, Message: 3 Ways We Keep the Feast as Christians

In this post you will find the last sabbath’s audio: Here are 3 downloads or streaming audio files available to you: Our Morning Sabbath School Bible study Leviticus d (19:33-3   Our Call to Worship  4-30-2023 gregorian / 13-22-2023 agricultural Sermon Message Pt.1 (intro) 3 Ways We Keep the Feast   Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives for you. What will you spend on us? Give as You are able. CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUPPORT PAGE What does our church’s Reformed Worship look like? A Call to Worship the LORD … Continue reading

13th New Moon Liturgical worship & Messages: “Reformed Faith, Lawful Life” , “Christ is King”

Here’s the audio from the 13th New Moon Convocation of 2nd Adar which was kept on Tuesday the 9th of pagan April. Below are the morning and evening portions of our Convocation: AM Convocation with message: “Reformed Faith Lawful Life” (Bible study)- JS Lowther PM Convocation with message: “Christ is King” – J Hastings If you are in Appalachia and would like to attend our special Monthly services, these messages will give you a good overview of how we worship and what we believe. Please contact us at rncministry@gmail.com if you are interested. We hope you enjoy, Blessings, RNCM

Words from last Sabbath: Leviticus 19:1-18 (Sabbath School Study), Worship, Pt.4The World’s Good vs. Your Brother’s Need?

In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our Morning Sabbath School Bible study: Leviticus 19:1-8: Parental Phobia, Sabbath Keeping, Idols and images, Peace offerings & Christology. Our Evening Message: Message of Liturgical Doctrine: Pt.4 The World’s Good vs. Your Brother’s Need? This sermon is part of the series “Adar’s Kindred Message: Kindred Redemption a National Matter”  bible study. Being led by a consideration of the 12th New Months story of Esther We are going look at the laws and principles of the Christian Faith that would have lead Mordechi and Ester … Continue reading

10th New Moon Convocation and Fellowship (1/11/24)

Here is the audio from the 10th New Moon Convocation of TeBeth. We had a very exciting time, and greatly enjoyed ourselves, especially with seeing all the children enjoying life in the spirit of holiness and enjoyment of one another as a Kindred Covenant Family the future of Appalachia is looking up ;) In this audio you will find our Morning Call to Worship with a discussion of the 10th months liturgical remembrances. Call to Worship morning and evening , Psalm Singing, Covenanting, Confessing! and Liturgical calendar remembrances!!! DOWNLOAD Here also is the Sermon delivered by Bro JS Lowther directed … Continue reading

Messages from last Sabbath (AM Sabbath School study on Justification and sanctification, Worship & 1 Peter Expo part 4)

 In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, In this class we are generally discussing and explaining the Our General Doctrines, which you can find on our cover page of this website, in this class we’ll be discussing and distinguishing the cohesion of 2 distinctive points: Justification by Grace through God’s will of predestination and Sanctification in life and unto glory: pt.6 Our General Doctrine: Discussion of Justification and Sanctification Our Evening Message: Expository book Study of the Epistle of 1 Peter, “From Babes to a Holy … Continue reading