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Words from last Sabbath: Worship, Message: “pt.4 Redeemed Kindred of the Victorious King”, Bible Study Lev 26c

  Last Call to Worship Service  pt.4 Redeemed Kindred of the Victorious King Sabbath School Law Lesson Leviticus 26:32-46 (Lev 26c) Our Call to Worship, congregational prayers and readings are primarily from the KJV. and Our Praise and Worship is from The 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter (SMP) What does our church’s Reformed Worship look like? A Call to Worship the LORD YHWH together. Prayer guided by the direct words of Scripture. The Singing of the Psalms and Hymns contained in God’s Words (and none other) Responsive and joint Scripture readings A convocated Reading of the Law / Torah / Pentateuch … Continue reading

Messages up for your listening from the past few weeks

Greetings Kindred and Listeners from Pastor Lowther, It’s been a busy summer here with all that the Lord is doing through this outreach and personally. While I consider the ministry which the Lord has given me to be my primary employment, in that I give it my first focus and wole self to it- in terms of accomplishments in my life this is what I choose above all else, nevertheless, I also work for a living, my family’s needs and an inheritance for my sons in accordance with God’s Holy law as well. Please understand, I enjoy hard work and … Continue reading

A Famine in the City of God (Jer 52, Amos 8, Heb 12)

 In this post you will find our 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you: “A Famine in the City of God” This a liturgical calendar message directed by the remembrance which LORD has placed in His Word (2Kings25:3-4, Jer 39:1-2, Jer: 52:5-7). In this message we will consider how such a famine as is told to us in the Scriptures of the history of Israel can warn the church of the dire consequences of neglecting the nutrition which is appointed by God to come from His Pure Word as well as how God has the power to withhold the blessing … Continue reading

Turning the Heart of Thy People

Turning the Heart of Thy People In this message we are going to take some time to address the violation of the 5th Commandment as a national, racial and ethnic sin against one’s own parentage, brotherhood and kindred according to the Words of the Prophet Malachi & Leviticus 19.     Remember when You are freely enjoying the notes you are reading or freely listen… SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT Contribute when you can to keep us growing and free Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other  CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUPPORT PAGE   MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE … Continue reading

A Rebellious House (Liturgical message of Ezekiel 1-3)

A Rebellious House: A Liturgical message of Ezekiel 1-3… we will be looking at the vision of Ezekial and the relevance that the mystery of the ‘wheel within a wheel’ has on our understanding of the glory of the LORD and repentance and will pay special attention to Ezekiel’s message for us today.   Remember when You are freely enjoying the notes you are reading or freely listen… SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT Contribute when you can to keep us growing and free Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other  CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUPPORT PAGE   MP3 … Continue reading