In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you:
“How to Finish a Great Work (Neh 6)” Which is an encouragement from the life of Nehemiah for the church today.”
“Unto Us a Son is Born: trinity, hypostatic union, dual nature (Luke 2)” Which is a liturgical message based on the astronomical date placed in the text of Revelation 12:1. In this message the dual nature of Christ is focused upon as we consider the conflict we are challenged to overcome in believing fully in the hypostatic union of Christ’s united nature as ‘fully God’ and ‘fully man’.
Aswell as Our Call to Worship, congregational prayers and readings are primarily from the KJV.
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“Unto Us a Son is Born:
trinity, hypostatic union, dual nature (Luke 2)”
Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below!
“How to Finish a Great Work (Neh 6) “
Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below!
Delivered on grego. 9-14-15- 2023
Our Call to Worship, congregational prayers and readings are primarily from the KJV.
Our Praise and Worship
is from
The 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter (SMP)
What does our church’s Reformed Worship look like?
- A Call to Worship the LORD YHWH together
- Prayer guided by the direct words of Scripture
- The Singing of the Psalms and Hymns contained in God’s Words (and none other)
- Responsive and joint Scripture readings
- A convocated Reading of the Law / Torah / Pentateuch (Old Testament Lesson)
- The Hearing of the Gospel (New Testament Lesson).
- A Message from the Elder (Bible study teaching sermon)
- Confessions and creeds from the scripture directly,
- Frequent use in recital of the 10 Commandments and Lord’s Prayer
- An affirmation of the fellowship and instruction which we have through the acknowledgment and forgiveness of sin from scriptures such as 1 John and Psalm 103 which teach forgiveness of sin and fellowship with Father Son and Spirit through repentance.
- The use of the Historical Apostles Creed to confirm our commitment to the historically United Christian Gospel every mid-month service
- The use of the Historic Athanasian Creed to confirm our functional trinitarian faith and knowledge at the beginning of every month at our evening New Moon Service.
- Liturgical biblical calendar remembrances in time as recorded in scripture
In the Ohio River valley?
Contact us and join us for worship.
These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE
THEN: Just cut and paste into you E-Sword topic notes
Compiled by JS LOWTHER
If you’d like notes, please email us:
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