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2nd New Moon of Zif 2024 Convocation and Fellowship

In this post you will find the audio from Our Morning and Evening New Moon of Zif 2024 Convocation and Fellowship: Here are 3 downloads or streaming audio files available to you:   Our Morning Call to Worship and Monthly Liturgy   Morning Bible Study Message by Rev. Pastor JS Lowther:  (Starts @27:30Min) “Decency and Order (1Corinthians 14:40)”   Evening Call to Worship & Sermon Message: by Rev. Minister J. Hastings (Message starts at 6:00 min) “Your life a Gift to the Church”    Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives … Continue reading

Words from last Sabbath: Leviticus 10 sabbath School, pt.2 Let the Redeemed say So: (Psalm 107:15-30)

In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, In this class we are in a study of the book of Leviticus in understanding and as it applies to the Christian life:     Leviticus chapters 10 Our Evening Message: Exposition of Psalm 107, “Let the Redeemed say So“, In this sermon and bible study message we will be starting an expository and more hermeneutical consideration of the imperative command of ps 107:1, and the failure of God’s Redeemed in v. 8,15,21,31. On account of our churches use of … Continue reading

Words from Last Sabbath- AM Sabbath School: Leviticus 8-9 (Priests consecration); Worship by the Word, Sermon Message: Psalm 107 Exposition “Let the Redeemed say So”

 In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, In this class we are in a study of the book of Leviticus in understanding and as it applies to the Christian life:     Leviticus chapters 8-9 Our Evening Message: Exposition of Psalm 107, “Let the Redeemed say So“, In this sermon and bible study message we will be starting an expository and more hermeneutical consideration of the imperative command of ps 107:1, and the failure of God’s Redeemed in v. 8,15,21,31. On account of our churches use of … Continue reading

Ohio Valley Called of Christ Covenant Renewal Convocation & Family Fellowship (5th New Moon / aug 17-2023

OHIO VALLEY CALLED of CHRIST NEW MOON CONVOCATION Worship Service Sermon Message : What is Convocation? Below are some of the features that you can hear being used in the Worship Service.   The Athanasian Creed  

Kept with Gladness? (1-22-2023)

 In this post you will find our 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you, as well as a link for all the messages offered during the feast of Unleavened bread 2023: “Kept with Gladness?” In this message we will be looking at the historical account of 2 Chronicles 30 during the reign of Hezekiah king of Judah, as we consider the Worshipful nature of the weeklong feast of Unleavened Bread and what Spirt must have been present in this time of Worship offered unto the LORD YHWH. With this thought we will explore the eternal nature of the … Continue reading