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Unleavened-bread Sabbath Worship & Message- “It Behoved Him to be Made Like unto His Brethren”

  “It Behoved Him to be Made Like unto His Brethren”

Last Sabbath’s messages: 1 Peter Exposition / Our General Doctrines 2

 In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, Where we started a class to generally discuss and explain the first three parts of Our General Doctrines, which you can find on our cover page of this website, in this class we’ll be discussing 2 distinctive points: “Pt.2 Nomian / Torah Observant, Theonomist” Our Evening Message: Where we have started a New Expository book Study of the Epistle of 1 Peter, this study has been titled “From Babes to a Holy Nation“, as it is felt that chapter … Continue reading

pt.2 Gravening and Likening Our Worship and Service

Another look at the Regulative principle and its roots in the 1st and 2nd commandment, with accompanying laws and historical application of why it is important to worship GOD as GOD Commands to be Worshiped. Continue reading

pt.1 The Sufficiency of Scripture & True Worship (New series: Our Regulative Principle of Worship)

This will be the first of a 3 part series which specifically elaborate the regulative principle of worship as we hold it. We affirm the spirit of the historic principle, but see the substance of it to define a more close adhesion to the Word which we are so sternly warned to not add to nor take away from. Continue reading

pt.7 The Law of Life in Christ & Works Tried by Fire (final Message of ‘The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit ‘)

    ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY  11-1 (2020-21) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you follow along or listen… SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT– Contribute when you can. MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the … Continue reading