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A Blessed Happy Passover & Feast of Unleavened-Bread

Greetings RNCM readers and listeners, Brethren, friends!    I want to take some time this early AM before we get too busy to say a few encouraging words to those of you who follow along with what we do here through this out-reach. Today for us is Passover Day (5/21/2024), this evening and entering into the night will be among the highest point of worshipfulness we are encouraged to in the liturgical year, this is the one time a year we partake of the Lord’s Supper, also often called “Communion”. What is the Lord’s Supper? The Lord’s Supper is the … Continue reading

Passover 2024 preparation message pt.3 6 Days Before the Passover (John 12:1)

Below are the Links to the Call to worship with the Scripture text and the message titled “pt.3 6 Days Before the Passover (John 12:1)”. Do the busy schedule this week I will not have time to get the last 2 ‘morning sabbath school studies’ edited and up for listening. Blessings, Brother JS Lowther Last Sabbath’s call to worship 1-8-2024 Message : pt.3 of 3 Ways We Keep the Feast as Christians- “6 Days Before the Passover (John 12:1”

Pt.3 To receive the Kingdom (Mark 10:13-16)

Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.  Continue reading

pt.6 Exercise Your Own Salvation with Fear and Trembling (Philippians- An Exposition / Recap ch.1-2)

Work-Our, Exercise and Cultivate the Salvation which has been begun in you by YHWH GOD. Continue reading

Why the Law? Pt. 4 To Teach the Kingdom (Last message of the series)

Last message of the series “Why the Law”, wherein it is concluded that YHWH GOD’s Torah Law is for showing:
(1)All sin
(2)So That the Promise By Faith In Jesus Christ Might Be Given To Those Who Believe.
(3) To Make a Great Nation in Christ
(4) To Teach the Kingdom
This final message concludes all the sentiments and brings the focus on to the individual and national levels of Society when those who claim Christ reject the Instruction contained and available in God’s Holy and immutable LAW!

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