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Words from Last Sabbath with Sovereign Way Reformed Church:

In this post you will find the last sabbath’s audio: Here are 3 downloads or streaming audio files available to you:  Sabbath School Bible study Ecclesiastical Eldership & Heritage (Deuteronomy 23:1-8)  Call to Worship with Sovreign Way Reformed Church 7-13-2024 Gregorian / 3-08-2024 agricultural Sermon Message Seeing John 3:16 in Context   Support the efforts of those who Minister to you… We spend the time in our lives for you. What will you spend on us? Give as You are able. CLICK HERE FOR OUR SUPPORT PAGE What does our church’s Reformed Worship look like? A Call to Worship the … Continue reading

pt.7 The Law of Life in Christ & Works Tried by Fire (final Message of ‘The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit ‘)

    ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY  11-1 (2020-21) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you follow along or listen… SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT– Contribute when you can. MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the … Continue reading

Pt.6 Married to another, even to Him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God

  ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY 10-29 (2020-21) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you follow along or listen… SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT– Contribute when you can.   MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the … Continue reading

pt.5 The Law of GOD: a New Creature’s Love and Reasonable Service

In God’s Grace and in our understanding of grace through Faith in Jesus, the question of salvation and justification is settled before any act of obedience we can do, in our will or our mind or our body.
Primary, initial or definitive holiness / sanctification means to be ‘holy enough to enter in to the light of God’s presence’, and this is settled by Jesus Choice, and you know about that choice that He made to call you holy and without blame and to walk before him in LOVE (Eph_1:4 ). All this is because of the newness of your creation: a new heart and mind to sacrifice yourself to his service and prove his will, to know his ways, and to every day ask the question “What does YHWH GOD say is good, acceptable, and perfect?
All this is because you are his workmanship. Continue reading

pt.2 Two Kinds of Branches: Two Kinds of Works, Only One Kind of Fruit. (The Doctrine of Good Works and of The Fruits of the Spirit)

There is only one vinyard and orchard in the care of the Father, it is seperated from the world, chosen by him, and there is one True vine which the father has cared for to bring forth fruit unto His own Glory. But there are Branches that bear no fruit and are essecially dead, the Father knows who are His and prunce the rest; there are branches which shoot forth from true branches that truly abide in the vine but they too need cleaned and pruned according to the Father’s will, so that the true branches can bring forth much fruit to the glory of God alone. Continue reading