Greetings Friends & Kindred,
Rev. Lowther from RNCM has been asked by his friend and fellow minister Rev. Matthew Dyer to participate in an online conference concerning different aspects of Israel Identity often called ‘the Anglo-Israel message’.
There will be many speakers from various strains of theology and denominational backgrounds and while some of these speakers will have little to no relationship to one another in some areas of doctrine, there are a few things all will have as a core in their discussion:
1. The Bible is God’s Word
2. That Jesus Christ is the God of the Bible in Flesh
3. That Salvation is not available through any other means other than Jesus Christ
4. That this truth has been held and propagated disproportionately in the world by European Christendom and her descendance in history.
5.That the European peoples of Christendom are the genetic descendants and inheritors of Israel’s Covenant in the world and have a special calling as God’s covenant servant people as witnessed by the Holy Spirit’s work in history.
Rev. Lowther will be speaking on 2 topic that are related and of much need of understanding:
1. What is the Doctrine of Spiritual Israel in Israel Identity?
2. The question every bleeding-heart white man wants to know… What about everyone else?
Please go to the you tube page and see the other participants discussion topics and consider your own understanding as well as those which might help others, as there are many items to be discussed.
JS Lowther