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Passover 2022
Passover day the 14th of the moon / May 14th:
Morning reading of the Exodus and the Passion of Christ
(Informal meals)
Lamb will be slaughtered at 3:30PM
At this we will read and remember that this image was a shadow of the coming Christ to our fathers and the memorial thereof to us who Know His truth.
We will read and sing the Word’s of scripture remembering this truth.
The Lamb will be dressed for roasting and cooked until evening and will be taken off the fire at twilight.
Paschal Meal
(8:00-8:30 PM)
Dinner will be served with the men of the congregation serving the house lead by the master of the house.
Our meal is simple and according to the memorial of Scripture:
Fire Roasted Lamb, Bitter herb Salad and Unleavened bread.
Communion Service
(9:30-10:00 PM)
In finishing the Paschal Meal the communion of our Lord’s Supper will be remembered, where Unleavened-bread and Red-Wine will be taken in solemnity of 1 Corinthians 11 – In ending, a Psalm of praise shall be sung.
This concludes the formality of the LORD’s Supper
Clean up
After the LORD’s Supper- all efforts will be made to clean up by the congregation, the area of dinning and the remainder of the Lamb will be burnt in the camp fire where fellowship is welcome to occur for the course of the night.
Sabbath Morning – 15th of the moon / May 15th
(7:30 AM)
Praise and Thanksgiving offered before breakfast
A breakfast of Oatmeal and fruit with other offered items will be made available with Tea and Coffee and Fresh Milk
10:00 AM
Holy Convocation by Scripture and Psalms will be offer by the congregation with liturgical reflection upon the Exodus and Passion.
Fellowship Lunch
After Church we will celebrate the first day of unleavened bread with a unleavened pizza party with what time it takes for preparation from the adjourning of the Church.
A free time of rest and fellowship
Evening Holy Convocation
8:00 PM
Wave Sheaf Resurrection Morning- 16th of the moon / May 16th
(7:30 AM)
Praise and Thanksgiving offered before breakfast
A breakfast of Oatmeal and fruit with other offered items will be made available with Tea and Coffee and Fresh Milk
Liturgical Morning Worship according to the Law of God after breakfast
Remembrance of the Resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST
Fellowship Lunch of Fish and Unleavened bread
12:00- noon
Fish Lunch commemorates the Meal which the Resurrected Christ had with his Disciples, as a witness to his victory over death.
This meal concludes the formal plans for the Passion services offered By the Called of Christ.
The rest of the feast week
Hereafter, throughout the Feast of Unleavened-Bread we will have Morning and Evening Holy Convocations, Sacrifices of praise from the Psalms of the 119th Chapter particularly from the Scottish Metrical Psalter.
Nominal lessons on Homestead and Biblical Reality will be offer to those interested through the week by Brother Lowther and Sister Danielle and family with other offerings through the week.
Last Sabbath ending the Feast- 21st of the moon at evening into the 22nd of the moon / May 21st
Evening Holy Convocation
8:00 PM
Praise and Thanksgiving offered before breakfast
A breakfast of Oatmeal and fruit with other offered items will be made available with Tea and Coffee and Fresh Milk
10:00 AM
Holy Convocation of Scripture and Psalms will be offer by the congregation with liturgical worship and ministration of the Word.
Pot-luck Fellowship Lunch after Church