In this post you will find our 2 downloads or streaming audio files available to you.
We are continuing in our series into pt.4 of The Eternally New Covenant as we discuss the concept of Eternal Life Newly given to a believer as it interacts with Faith & Law according to the terms of the New Covenant.
In this part of our study, we are specifically looking at the Mercy God dispenses upon a New Covenant recipient, as he sheds His Law into the heart and mind by the Holy Spirit.
In Our Expository and Devotional bible study which we have just begun a new series in:
An Expositional Look at the Law of God, in this Interactive Study we begin with the Organic Foundations of Law, which are found in the book of Genesis, and discussing them as we look at God’s Law as a Systematic Whole.
As well you will find our Call to Worship, Psalter Singing and resuscitations of the Living Word.
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Interactive Bible Study
An Expositional look at the Law
Genesis 2: Organic Foundations of Law
Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below!
Pt. 4 An Eternally New Life:
Eternal Righteousness
Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below!
Our Worship is from the 1650 Scottish Metrical Psalter (SMP) and Scriptural resuscitations from the KJV or from our Own ‘Convocational Book of Doctrinal Resuscitations’.
Please feel free to get a copy of the words from any source and Worship with us.
Scottish Psalter 1650 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Delivered on 11-15 -2023 / grego. 3-7 -2023
These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE
THEN: Just cut and paste into you E-Sword topic notes
Compiled by JS LOWTHER
If you’d like notes for these messages, please email us or message us and let us know. – RNCM
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