Moon of the 9th at Evening and 10th day of the Lunar Month
The Moon of the Day of Atonements
This is a special post to help offer messages and study material for those who are in observance of this Day of Atonements with us this year, or just looking for more information on the subject; as well, below is a calendar for reminder of the festivities up and coming hereafter…. for those abroad and those near.
RNCM has provided many Atonements Day messages over the years with many different aspects and focuses concerning that Christian Israelite observance as a Sacred rite of our father’s Faith for the encouragement and contemplation of the Body of Christ.
Understanding The Day of The Atonements (By Christ’s Priesthood)
To Fast or Not to Fast? That is the Question…On the Day of Atonement – Written message
With our focus upon Christ,
Let us earnestly present our selves humbly before Him
Beseech Him this year as we Sabbath, Fast and Pray before our LORD GOD.
If any one has any questions or is need of ministerial help on any subject or observance Renewed Covenant Ministry promotes, please, feel free to email us or message us on Facebook any time!
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