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2024 Tabernacles / Ingathering Feast Sermons & Worship

Greetings friends and brethren online! I have finally had time to get the audio up from our past 2 sabbaths that began and ended the feast week of Tabernacles and Ingathering. I also have the audio from our Sabbath School bible study discussions which I will get up at a later point this week. Below is the link that will take you to them. Tabernacles / Ingathering Feast 2024 series Blessings In Christ, Rev. JS Lowther (740-538-372seven) renewedcovenantministry@gmail.com

7th Month 2023 (Tabernacle / Ingathering, Trumpets, Atonements)

Worship and Messages 2023 Feast of Tabernacles & Ingathering Here is also the message offered on the 2 prior feast days of the 7th moonth: Trumpets New Moon- 2023 Atonement Preparation- 2023

pt.2 A Law of Sacrifice

A living sacrificial Christian offers his thanksgiving and praise in spirit and in truth, there is no other kind of Christian but one which soberly considers that if Christ died for Him then he must live for Christ… Continue reading

pt. 1 A Law of Sacrifice

 Pt.1 A Law of Sacrifice  What sacrifice does the Law and the Gospel require? What is the only sacrifice and offering able to take away sin? How do you offer sacrifice as a New Covenant Christian? We start to answer this question here on this first day of Tabernacle / Feast of Ingathering as we begin to offer our sacrifices unto the LORD GOD of Israel. Blessed be YHWH the one name of the Father, and the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen   Remember when You are freely enjoying the notes you are reading or freely listen… SOME … Continue reading

Seventh Month Holy day Schedule 2022

    The Time of Harvest is upon us, the gardens are finishing up, the field crops are being processed, the fruits are finishing up, the nuts are fallen, the cider is stored, the preserves are in the closet, the wine is bubbling. This is what our Biblical and Western ancestors celebrated every year as the feast of Ingathering and Thanksgiving, this is what the Law commemorates in the keeping of the Seventh Month, especially in the feast of Tabernacles! Please notice the Agricultural requirements that nature provides and the bible commands to be celebrated: Exo 23:16 …. the feast … Continue reading