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Memorial of Trumpets Celebration 2024 Nov 1st- 2nd

Greeting Kindred! If you have been keeping up with this outreach ministry for any period of time you will know that our annual Holy Convocations are based upon the Law of God as found in the Pentateuch as interpreted by an Agricultural observation the biblical year specified which is timed by the Sun, Moon and Stars. In our Regional System we are about to celebrate one of the most sacred months in the biblical calendar called Ethanim which is begun by the recognition of the 7th New Moon after the month of Abib (green ears of barley). Please see our … Continue reading

pt.3 The Garnish of Sanctification (A Table of Grace)

 Pt.3 The Garnish of Sanctification (A Table of Grace) In this message we will bring forth the nourishment and enjoyable food of the Christian life, the garnish of Sanctification, and place it upon the table of Grace for our consumption by Faith. We will start by showing the nature of Sanctification and its meaning, we will then consider how the work of Grace through Faith declaring ‘Just’ a sinner carries with it both a definitive sanctification and an ability to progress in Sanctification according to the will and to the Glory of God.   Remember when You are freely enjoying … Continue reading

Seventh Month Holy day Schedule 2022

    The Time of Harvest is upon us, the gardens are finishing up, the field crops are being processed, the fruits are finishing up, the nuts are fallen, the cider is stored, the preserves are in the closet, the wine is bubbling. This is what our Biblical and Western ancestors celebrated every year as the feast of Ingathering and Thanksgiving, this is what the Law commemorates in the keeping of the Seventh Month, especially in the feast of Tabernacles! Please notice the Agricultural requirements that nature provides and the bible commands to be celebrated: Exo 23:16 …. the feast … Continue reading

pt.7 What Mean These Testimonies?

Part 7 of a New Series: “Principally Regulated by the Scripture”: “What Mean These Testimonies?“ This study will be a doctrinal subject study with a focus on understanding why the Sabbath, New Moons and Feast days are the perfect pattern for congregational worship in Holy Convocation to teach children in faithful home the message of the Cross of Jesus Christ.  This series answers objections to why the Sabbath’s, New Moons and Holy Day are in accordance with Hebrew 4:9 and 10:23-25 as well as Galatians 4:10, and are in fact those good works of worship that have been before ordained … Continue reading

pt.6 The Weekly Sabbath Festival of Holy Convocation and Annual Worship

Part 6 of a New Series: “Principally Regulated by the Scripture”: “The Weekly & Monthly Sabbath Festival of Holy Convocation and Annual Worship“ This study will be a doctrinal subject study with a focus on understanding the 4th commandment in ordaining the times of Assembly, and what times are uses to appoint the Sabbath for congregational worship (Holy Convocation) in accordance with Hebrew 4:9 and 10:23-25 as well as Galatians 4:10, which are before ordained in Gen 1:14, Gen 2:4, Exo 20:8, Exo 31:13,  Deut 5:12, Ezk 46:1 Num 28&29 Lev 23,  Lk 4:16.   Remember when you are freely … Continue reading