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Seventh Month Holy day Schedule 2022

    The Time of Harvest is upon us, the gardens are finishing up, the field crops are being processed, the fruits are finishing up, the nuts are fallen, the cider is stored, the preserves are in the closet, the wine is bubbling. This is what our Biblical and Western ancestors celebrated every year as the feast of Ingathering and Thanksgiving, this is what the Law commemorates in the keeping of the Seventh Month, especially in the feast of Tabernacles! Please notice the Agricultural requirements that nature provides and the bible commands to be celebrated: Exo 23:16 …. the feast … Continue reading

pt.1 First Fruits unto God

“pt.1 First Fruits unto God“ This is a liturgical message delivered on the 4th week of the Lunar Month of Zif which directs our minds towards the consideration of the content of Proverbs 3. In this message we will give consideration to the subject of the First fruits from both a Spiritual angle and a fleshly angle as we apply the lesson which is intrinsically taught at this time of agricultural first fruits of our substance which biblically and naturally coincide on the conjoined Sabbath & New Moon feast of the days of Pentecost, the Feast of Weeks, the firstfruits … Continue reading

Pentecost / Feast of Weeks / First fruits of the Wheat harvest: The feast of harvest of the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field:

The feast of harvest of the first fruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field: Pentecost / Feast of Weeks First fruits of the Wheat harvest (Ex 23:16, Ex 34:22) In a few days we will be celebrating the New Moon festival of the feast of weeks from the 29th day sabbath eve (june 27th tues)- to the 3rd  New Moon (june 29th wed)  How it works for us? Deuteronomy 16:9 Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn. This … Continue reading

Let’s talk about modern concepts of Pentecost, shall we?

  This Year if you are an ardent adherent to the Gregorian calendar, AKA The Judeo-papistic feast calendar, you have what has been called a ‘perfect Easter’, and thus a ‘perfect Pentecost’.   What does this mean?   There are 2 cycles at play in the Jewish or Hillel II calendar:   The 7 day week- from sunday /1st day to saturday / 7th day counting scheme &   The MEAN lunar calendar or 18 year lunar cycle, (Hillel II); it is MEAN because it is only an attempt to regulate the festivals of mainstream Judaism with the cycle of … Continue reading

Sanctifying for Communion Series

In these messages I have offered a bit on our practice and why we do as we do, but the main focus will be of preparing the heart, mind and soul of our congregation for that special time with Christ we believers look forward to every year in the mediation and observation of His Word to our heart, and how it is a time indeed not to be overlooked, ignored or taken lightly. Continue reading