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pt.2 An Old Commandment Which Is New? The Test of a real Christian

1Jn 2:7-8 “The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning”…
  a new commandment which thing is true in him and in you:
because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth.  Continue reading

pt. 1 That Which Was From The Beginning (1 John 1:1-2:5)

“That Which Was From The Beginning“ This message is An Exposition of the Book of 1 John. In part 1 we will be covering from chapters 1:1-2:5, and considering that which is proclaimed by the apostle to have been since the beginning: THE WORD of LIFE. There are 3 major points made by the Apostle John which we will look at through out  this study message: 1. The God Head’s fellowship 2. The Commandments and Law of the Eternal God 3. Brotherly Love Remember when you are freely enjoying the notes you are reading or freely listen… SOME ONE IS … Continue reading

Feast of Weeks Sabbath Message and Worship 2021

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.  Continue reading

New Calendar Helps are UP! (online and printable)

Greetings Kindred and online listeners,   This year we have made some effort to produce some calendar helps for families and Churches that have or are considering Reforming their times of worship to a more biblical standard. So these Calendar helps have been provided to help in that effort.   https://renewedcovenantministry.com/gregorian-calendar-help-for-the-agricultural-year-of-2021-22/   https://renewedcovenantministry.com/calendar/     This Last Year past, Bro. Lowther had taught 2 series to help familiarize Christians to why we might care to do this, which messages and study notes you can find on these links below:   pt.1 The Sufficiency of Scripture & True Worship (New series: … Continue reading

Threshing By Faith (Gideon & Matthew)

Wheat, wheat and more wheat.

Do you hear the parable of the sower? or Can you hear the parable?
Can you see the Work of the holy spirit? or Do you see the work of the Holy Spirit? Continue reading