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pt.6 Amending a Fallen Brotherhood

In this study we will consider the first example of the amending and restoring of the Brotherhood through the establishment of the Ecclesia.
We will show from scripture, How Faithfulness demonstrated in the fear of God and in righteous judgment is the separating element which pits Tyranny against Justice as contestants for the rule or law in the hearts of the brethren as well as in the rulers of the brotherhood.  Continue reading

Threshing By Faith (Gideon & Matthew)

Wheat, wheat and more wheat.

Do you hear the parable of the sower? or Can you hear the parable?
Can you see the Work of the holy spirit? or Do you see the work of the Holy Spirit? Continue reading

Purim Message 2020-21: The Sabbath Principle & Instruction from Esther’s Feast

This is our Purim Message for the year integrated with our current series to help fortify our points of worship. We are focusing on the importance of a Biblically and Heavenly based Sabbath as well as how Esther’s feast / Purim ties into that Sabbath cycle, as well as considering some much needed instruction which ever Christian could benefit from by meditating upon the Book of Esther. Continue reading