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Words from last Sabbath: Leviticus 11 food law study and discussion, Worship, Expo of Psalm 112 “His seed shall be mighty upon earth”

In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, In this class we are in a study of the book of Leviticus in understanding and as it applies to the Christian life, in this particular Chapter we will be discussing our churches controversial belief in ‘Sanctified Meats’ for Christian consumption which God hath prepared to be received:     Leviticus chapters 11 c, this is the third and final discussion. Our Evening Message: Exposition of Psalm 112, “His seed shall be mighty upon earth“, In this sermon and bible … Continue reading

A Catechistic comprehension of Peter’s vision (for today’s AM bible study)

For those calling in or listening later to the  10:00 A.M. EST Sabbath School for  10-8- 2023ag / 1-18-2024 greg https://renewedcovenantministry.com/call-in/ A Catechistic comprehension of Peter’s vision Q. What is the traditional hermeneutical fallacy commonly called Peter’s vision, or the vision of the sheet? A. The traditional hermeneutical fallacy commonly called Peter’s vision, or the vision of the sheet is the assertion that an analogous vision given by God to Peter in the 10th chapter of Acts has lawfully overturned prior clear and direct revelation in commandment as is found in the Law of God given to Moses, particularly in … Continue reading

10th New Moon Convocation and Fellowship (1/11/24)

Here is the audio from the 10th New Moon Convocation of TeBeth. We had a very exciting time, and greatly enjoyed ourselves, especially with seeing all the children enjoying life in the spirit of holiness and enjoyment of one another as a Kindred Covenant Family the future of Appalachia is looking up ;) In this audio you will find our Morning Call to Worship with a discussion of the 10th months liturgical remembrances. Call to Worship morning and evening , Psalm Singing, Covenanting, Confessing! and Liturgical calendar remembrances!!! DOWNLOAD Here also is the Sermon delivered by Bro JS Lowther directed … Continue reading

Words from Last Sabbath: Lev 11b study, Worship, Psalm 111 Expo

In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, In this class we are in a study of the book of Leviticus in understanding and as it applies to the Christian life, in this particular Chapter we will be discussing our churches controversial belief in ‘Sanctified Meats’ for Christian consumption which God hath prepared to be received:     Leviticus chapters 11 b, this is the second discussion. Our Evening Message: Exposition of Psalm 111, “I will praise the LORD with my Whole Heart“, In this sermon and bible … Continue reading