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Messages up for your listening from the past few weeks

Greetings Kindred and Listeners from Pastor Lowther, It’s been a busy summer here with all that the Lord is doing through this outreach and personally. While I consider the ministry which the Lord has given me to be my primary employment, in that I give it my first focus and wole self to it- in terms of accomplishments in my life this is what I choose above all else, nevertheless, I also work for a living, my family’s needs and an inheritance for my sons in accordance with God’s Holy law as well. Please understand, I enjoy hard work and … Continue reading

Pt.3 To receive the Kingdom (Mark 10:13-16)

Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.  Continue reading

 Dwelling In Booths of This Tabernacle (Feast of Tabernacles message)

This message is a liturgical message for the Sabbath
First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles / Feast of Ingathering.
In this Bible Study Message we will be covering the meaning of the word ‘Dwell’ in the Hebrew sense, as well as the difference between a ‘tabernacle’ or ‘booth’ in comparison to a house, city and kingdom as we make application to the hope given to the life which the Christian Israelite lives by keeping the feast of Tabernacles and Ingathering with an objective focus upon Christ the Word and His dwelling or ‘tabernacl-ing’ in flesh among men in his accomplished work of reconciliation by imputation.
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Threshing Wheat By the Winepress

“Threshing wheat by the winepress”  This is a subject study on ‘Spiritual discernment, with a primer from 1 Corinthians 2 as it is applied to the consistent concept found in Scripture as seen in Judges 6:11  … Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites. This message could also be titles by two other possible names:   “God dealt well with the midwives” or “The governor desirous to apprehend me… I escaped in a basket through a window”   Remember when you are freely enjoying the notes you are reading or freely listen… SOME ONE IS … Continue reading

Part 17 (Last message of an expository series of 1 Timothy 6:3-21 – Gain is godliness? or Godliness is Gain! & Falsely named Science and How it helps to destroy the people of God)

This doctrine of establishing the church in the condescending grace of Christ will be opposed by the same men who oppose the Law of God as the oiko-nomian, and those counter wise teachers need opposed by strong Christian leadership, armed with knowledge to defend the hold of eternal life upon which the true church stands.
Leadership comprised of honorable men, who are proven as husbands and fathers who rule well the house-hold God hath given them, these men together form the collective body of the church which we call a Presbytery, Elder men who are family men, proven to be able to Oversee and Serve the church as the greater body of the family:
According to the Law of God Continue reading