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The Foundation of the Temple

“The Foundation of the Temple“ This is a liturgical message delivered on the 1st week of the Lunar Month of Zif which directs our minds towards the consideration of the foundations of the Temple                                                           as per 1 Kings 6:1 & 2 Chron 3:1-2. In this message we will give consideration to the site of the temple, why and how it was chosen, and the significance of the Temple in the Christian life … Continue reading

pt.12 A Sin Unto Death: Blasphemy of the Spirit (final message ending 1 John)

“A Sin Unto Death: Blasphemy of the Spirit“ This message is An Exposition of the Book of 1 John. In part 1 we will be covering from chapters 5:14-21, As this is part of the G section of the Epistle we have been focused on, it is also part of our understanding of overcoming and victorious Faith. In this final lessons the Apostle John emphasizes the Witness of the Holy Spirit in brining us Truth or Faith in the Father and the Son, as the True God and Eternal life and to abhor Idolatry. In John’s closing of the epistle … Continue reading

pt.2 Gravening and Likening Our Worship and Service

Another look at the Regulative principle and its roots in the 1st and 2nd commandment, with accompanying laws and historical application of why it is important to worship GOD as GOD Commands to be Worshiped. Continue reading

pt.1 The Sufficiency of Scripture & True Worship (New series: Our Regulative Principle of Worship)

This will be the first of a 3 part series which specifically elaborate the regulative principle of worship as we hold it. We affirm the spirit of the historic principle, but see the substance of it to define a more close adhesion to the Word which we are so sternly warned to not add to nor take away from. Continue reading

The Armor of God and the Evil Day (Eph Ch 6:10-24) [Final message and encouragment for Ephesianism]

Recap of the Series in preparation for it’s closing
This series is straight forward from the words of Paul; in this study we are aided by God’s Law in identifying sin as opposed to the Good works the Father before ordained in Christ and giving thanks for them, to keep in context the well known Scriptural narrative in showing the super-nature of:
1. The will of God
2. The faithful in Christ as Beloved
3. The redemptive blood of Christ unto forgiveness of sin for the Beloved
4. The riches of YHWH God’s Grace, Glory and Mercy towards the Beloved
5. How the Nations of Promise are raised by the word of God
6. How the Individual is called into Christ’s Called out ones: His Church which is the Beloved
7. The greatness of the Lordship of Christ over all ages towards the Beloved
8. The role of God’s people in the ages and the ages to come
9. The Unity of the Church and the Hope of Her Calling
10. The gift Christ gives to men from His Grace as received by the Beloved
11. How a Saint might not walking in disobedience, but as beloved children of God
12. Giving Thanks for all things to God the Father in Christ
13. How the Beloved are Loved, Walk in Love and Love as Christ Loved them
14. How the Husbands and Wives of the Family in Heaven and Earth resemble Christ and the Church being one body.
15. How Children in the Beloved Family are to obey and honor their parents according to the Law
16. How Servants are to obey their Masters, and Master’s to obey the LORD according to the Law
17. How Ephesian’s Sound Doctrine is applicable to the family church for unity and war
18. Putting on the Armor of God in approaching the Evil day by aid of Ephesians Doctrine

It is with hopes that this study of clear scripture will show a concise base for salvation by Grace, as understood by all the faithful, having it’s effect determined in the Purpose of God who works all things according to the council of HIS own Will. And that the revelation of this mystery will provoke the Faithful in Christ unto Good Works before ordained that the Church should walk in. Continue reading