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Ezra 10: a Case for Separation and Segregation, Numbers ch.5, Sabbath Worship

Greetings friends and kindred, Here are the Audio files free for your listening from the prior Sabbath Convocation. We handled a subject that is tough to hear in our modern day, but a subject of biblical relevance and importance, a subject that flows from the pages of the book of Ezra- separation and segregation. In this message you will have explained how the bible can both encourage a homogenous people, as that of Israel in both being homogeneous and yet having an allowance for strangers to dwell in the gates at times as well; the statement seems to be contradictory, … Continue reading

Psalm 92 Exposition & Numbers Chapter 3 study, Video Pages

Greetings and Blessings friends and kindred, Here are the audio files that contain the Words from last Sabbath Convocation: Exposition of Psalm 92: “A Song for the Sabbath Day” Worship, Psalmody, Confession (Psalm 92 a Sung after sermon) Sabbah School Discussion: Numbers ch.3 “Decency of Order in the Church of Levi” Keep looking for our video page on YouTube to grow! https://renewedcovenantministry.com/video-page/

A Catechistic comprehension of Peter’s vision (for today’s AM bible study)

For those calling in or listening later to the  10:00 A.M. EST Sabbath School for  10-8- 2023ag / 1-18-2024 greg https://renewedcovenantministry.com/call-in/ A Catechistic comprehension of Peter’s vision Q. What is the traditional hermeneutical fallacy commonly called Peter’s vision, or the vision of the sheet? A. The traditional hermeneutical fallacy commonly called Peter’s vision, or the vision of the sheet is the assertion that an analogous vision given by God to Peter in the 10th chapter of Acts has lawfully overturned prior clear and direct revelation in commandment as is found in the Law of God given to Moses, particularly in … Continue reading

Last Sabbath’s messages: 1 Peter Exposition / Our General Doctrines 2

 In this post you will find our 3 download or streaming audio files available to you: Our morning AM Bible Study, Where we started a class to generally discuss and explain the first three parts of Our General Doctrines, which you can find on our cover page of this website, in this class we’ll be discussing 2 distinctive points: “Pt.2 Nomian / Torah Observant, Theonomist” Our Evening Message: Where we have started a New Expository book Study of the Epistle of 1 Peter, this study has been titled “From Babes to a Holy Nation“, as it is felt that chapter … Continue reading

Why We Keep the Feasts! Pt.6 GRACE ALONE (Ending exposition of Galatians)

Visit our Support page to see how YOU CAN support our efforts of Kingdom out reach. SABBATH BIBLE STUDY 8-22 (2018) ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – Follow along with study notes below! This Compilation is Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com   Why We Keep the Feasts Part 6 GRACE ALONE Exposition of Colossians 2 (with focus on vrs.16) With Intro into Galatians  … Continue reading