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Words from prior Sabbaths: Psalm 80, Psalm 82, Law discussion of Tithing, Offerings, Giving and Charity with Worship Worship

Greetings friends, kindred and brethren! Last week our regional Church ‘Kindred Hope Church of Appalachia’ headed out to the disaster areas of North Carolina and helped as best we could for the time every man could afford, I believe the Lord blessed of time there and gave us some quality time helping those who were in need in various ways. It was blessing to be there in my own country helping my own people where I can, I’d encourage you to get into the fray if you can find a place to do so. Remember the words of James 2:14-17: … Continue reading

Purposeful Church Government

Second New Moon of Zif worship and message Saturday May the 20th  The Call to Worship & Covenant renewal Service Liturgical calendar message ” Purposeful Church Government”  This message was proclaimed upon the text of Numbers 1:1-4, focusing upon the importance of remembering the second New Moon of Zif and the lessons which this liturgical time contains as God Spoke to and through Moses upon this 1st day of the 2nd lunar month (Num 1:1). It was at this time that the principles of Church Government are thoroughly revealed and ordained by God’s Law and are congruent throughout the Scripture’s … Continue reading

pt.6 Fathers, Elders and Churches (Covenantalism)

Most churches have strayed far from Israel’s law of church Government, and I believe the restoration of the familial and kindred church is a needed covenantal renewal, but when we are at a point where this is lost, I still believe God sent the gifts of the ministry to accomplish this restoration though it is begun in an imperfect form: But unto  us is given the gift of Christ to help us in these troubled times.  Continue reading

Part 15 1 Timothy 5:17-25 (Recap on Widows and the Double Honor of Ruling Elders )

ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY 8-15 (2020) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you follow along or listen…   SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT– Contribute when you can! MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com Section II of 1 Timothy Part 15 (Ruling Elders) 1 Timothy Chapter 5:16-25 … Continue reading

Pt. 15 Applying Church Government Now (final message)

This is the final message on the subject of Church Government as it is a sub-series of “A Lawful Community of Election and Order”.
In this Study the application of many of the doctrinal points are reasserted at the forefront of our consideration while the application of the whole study is addressed with the Churches aim and goal in temporary or emergency measures as well as what the normative Presbyterian Episcopate is to look like in starting with a unit of 10 either Covenanted as kindred under a Patriarchal head or as non-relatives being aided by Pastoral means as the situation requires via scriptural support.
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