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About JS Lowther

Foremost I know that I am a chief sinner saved by Grace. I am a servant of YHWH Almighty the one true God Who is Father, Son and Spirit. I believe in God's only begotten and perfect Son Jesu(s) Christ whose redemption power of my soul I have Faith in and testify of. Having been redeemed by the blood of Christ, I wish to no longer spend my time in the lusts of the flesh and of this world, but to promote the Gospel of the Kingdom by means of the knowledge of the New Covenant, a reNewal of the Covenant God made with his people Israel in the blood of Christ (Jer 31:31 and Heb 8:8) whereby He writes His Law upon the Heart and Mind beside the forgiveness of sin and transgressions. I believe Christ Jesus is the incarnate Son of God as the WORD made flesh, and the son of man born of the virgin Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit: I believe Christ Jesus Lived a perfect life for us as a living sacrifice as well as a pattern of the Sanctified newness of life a believer has in Him, I believe Christ Jesus died a cursed death on the Cross for His people of Covenant who are sinners, and I believe in Christ Jesus who Resurrected with power from Death from the grave to Justify the offenders. This is the same Jesus who is indeed the Son of David and king of Israel, who is both LORD and Christ over all the kings and dominions of the earth! In the fullness of time YHWH will regather his people under the Head of the Church, Jesu(s) Christ to affect his will according to the Lord's prayer, Psalm 2, 8 and 110 as well as Genesis 1:26. The focus of my administration of the Gospel is like unto my Lord's who said "I have come not but for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.."(Mathew 15:24), and so I have come to my European kinsman according to the flesh. It is my mission to show the Israel of God the Salvation which is taught by Scripture Alone and offered in all ages by Grace Alone through Faith Alone in the work of Christ Alone to the Glory of GOD Alone. As a modern day Puritan separatist it is my goal to purify the church of Christ with Faith heretofore stated. I am studying to show my self approved, if you have any questions just ask!

9th Moonth Bible Study Schedule with a NEW Gregorian calendar aid!

Sorry for the delay, on the internet front. A special notice for those who keep up with our Sabbath Bible Studies our New Schedule is up below, This Month starting with this midwinter changing of the Year from 2020 to 2021, we have chose to start listing a Gregorian Calendar, which will : Offer a different understanding of how the New Moon based Sabbath corresponds to the modern Gregorian calendar most folks are used to using in the West. Give the dates of bible study for the weeks and months to come to help folks know when we are meeting … Continue reading

Part 16 1 Timothy 6:1-5 (Servants Under the Yoke and Masters of Brethren)

Probably the most un-exegeted and exposed section of the New Testament, but one we do not shy away from… even if that means we have to say ‘Amen’ to Servitude under Holy, Just, and Good circumstances according to Biblical prescription, as part of the house-hold (economy) of God in Faith. Continue reading

Part 15 1 Timothy 5:17-25 (Recap on Widows and the Double Honor of Ruling Elders )

ReNEWed COVENANT Ministry SABBATH BIBLE STUDY 8-15 (2020) SUPPORT RNCM! Subscribe to RNCM Podcast Feed iTunes • Other Remember when you follow along or listen…   SOME ONE IS STILL PAYING FOR IT– Contribute when you can! MP3 AUDIO MESSAGE DOWN LOAD-Listen any time! OR Page for Streaming Message – You can follow along with study notes below! These Study notes below are Interactive with E-Sword! – FREE DOWN LOAD HERE THEN: Just cut and past into you E-Sword topic notes   Compiled by JS LOWTHER renewedcovenantministry.com servant@renewedcovenantministry.com Section II of 1 Timothy Part 15 (Ruling Elders) 1 Timothy Chapter 5:16-25 … Continue reading

Sola Scrip Torah update! In case you missed it?

Our Pod cast radio project is active and moving with the blessed help of CR 1010! For our regular Bible Study listeners, you may also be encouraged by the content you will find here with Sola Scrip Torah…   Sola Scrip Torah Apologetics – Proclamations, Refutations and Reviews… with everything else!

Part 14 1 Timothy 5:2-16 (Mother, Sister, Widow, Family, Nation)

While many dote about fables with an impressive genealogy of question begetting question, in this study as with the last “Father, Brother, Family, Nation) we are looking at the Household Law of God that is in Faith which stops the stupidity of the mysterious questions and gives answers which teach absolute truth and verity from the source of all truth, the Word of YHWH GOD-Ruler of Heaven and Earth!

There is a consistent morality taught by the Eternal God that is the original intention of the statements of Paul in 1 Tomothy 5:2-16, Before all else and every meaning one can imply into Paul’s words from out side of scripture concerning the care of widows we should understand this context from the primary perspective of the Law and Commandments of God as the consistent Christian verity concerning widows. In this study we look at Moses perfect solutions to these issues, as we see the perfect case example of faithful Boaz taking care of his own kindred, Ruth and Naomi (in the book of Ruth), as church man of his Family, kindred and Nation perfectly in order with the words of the inspired Apostle Paul. Continue reading