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A Table of Grace (Intro / pt.1)

 pt.1 A Table of Grace (Intro) In this message we will bring forth many analogies from scripture that show the Word of God to be the nourishment and enjoyable food for the Christian. We will start by showing bite sized understandings of the words we are nourished with as essential ingredients of our spiritual life. In this introductory message we are going to set the table of the meal of Grace, we’ll look at how it is served to us by means of Faith, and what the essential servings are and what ingredients they are comprised of. We will also … Continue reading

Answering “Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 24” by Ted R. Weiland (all of it)

Answering pertinent portions of “Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 24” by Ted R. Weiland : Mission to Israel Ministries Continue reading

Why the Law? Pt. 3 To make a Great Nation in Christ

It is not a scholarly stretch to assure he reader of Scripture that YHWH God Promised Abraham real children, from Abraham’s real loins which he had, and while the Gospel- the good news was in this one seed and off-spring of Abraham was the Word in a vision who promised himself as Abraham’s shield and exceedingly great reward, that promise brought with it the Nation(s) which Abraham produced, which were in Him as well.
When that Nation has real Faith in Christ as the Word of God it makes a Great Nation in Christ. Continue reading

Why the Law? Pt. 2 So that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

No man is made righteous by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.

The Truth, Trust and Conviction wherewith one agrees with the Word of God is that a true believer says AMEN to YHWH in all things written in the books of the Law, knowing because it is the Holy Word of God it will show your ungodliness and condemn you. When we do not deceive our self as to think we are righteous by works we have done, works we will do or are doing, but rather agreement is made that the law shuts us up, it imprisons us or enclose us unto sin, because it is Holy, Just and Good.
And so what does this agreement with YHWH God do to the life that can agree to this status with a pure heart?
It Establishes the Law! Continue reading

Why The Law? Pt. 1 All Have Sinned

In all generations the question of ‘Why the Law’ occurs? The question ultimately asks the LORD for his reason of legislating sin by his Law. Why did God tell us not to do some things? And the answer is quite attainable throughout scripture, but is best spelled out by Paul in this reading of Galatians and can be simply seen that it was to teach us like children our need for Faith, particularly the need of Jesus in order to be justified or made righteous by Faith. Continue reading