Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exodus 20:8-11
Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath
commanded thee…
Deuteronomy 5:12-15
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Compiled by JS Lowther
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:
in it thou shalt not do any work,
thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
nor thy cattle,
nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and rested the seventh day:
wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Exodus 20:8-11
Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee…
And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt,
and that the LORD thy God brought thee out thence through a mighty hand
and by a stretched out arm:
Therefore the LORD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
Deuteronomy 5:12-15
For those who may have never considered the idea of the Common Law for a Common wealth including a Common Sabbath, let me begin by saying Sabbath observation with out the Blood of Christ upon the alter of the temple of Heaven is empty, a New moon or feast day is empty with out the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb of God who gave himself for us to be a spotless church, so that at this time we as a people, as his people might have a sacrifice worthy for every day the Lord YHWH has given us, that in accordance with tenants of the New Covenant this 4th Commandment might as well be truly written on our heart, mind and soul according to the life of Jesu(s) Christ. BY GRACE WE ARE SAVED!
The 4th Commandment should never be forgotten by the ReNEWed Man, sanctified by the people of God, the people who are called by His name according to the prior Commandment of the 10, the people who have abandoned the Idols of their hearts or the laws of strange god’s beside the LORD YHWH according to the 2nd and 1st Commandment of the 10 as well. The very spirit of every Commandment spoken of thus far in this Compilation series on the Common Law of God resides in this Commandment, and this commandment resides in them, that the words of James may echo clearly in our ears and hearts
Jas_2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
As a reminder, the Law of God and in this case the Sabbath of the 4th Commandment is among the most reasonable service of Rom_12:1 by which we as Christians who are members of the Church present our selves as Living sacrifices “Holy and acceptable” before God. The Sabbath is in line with the good works the apostle Paul spoke of in Eph_2:10 : For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them, these are they according to Deu_28:9-10 which again tells us that if we shall keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways all people of the earth shall see that we are called by the name of the LORD.
It is biblically indisputable that the 4th Commandment establishing the Sabbath Day is a doctrine of specific worship and service appointed for the People who are called by the name of the God of the bible, and the act of making holy what he has deemed, sanctifying what he has sanctified is to walk in his ways.
While so called spiritual Christianity still, for the time being that is, meets on a collective day, the spirit of the 4th commandment has been stripped away from the once held reason why they met on that collective day; a situational context that may help describe the understanding which has been spoken of prior of following the Letter or the Spirit of any Law: in the case of the old rest day of Christendom, sunday, the command was only being observed by force, social construct, and tradition as the ‘Letter’ by a majority, this Letter eventually had no Spiritual impact due to it’s lack Spiritual make up, yet for those authorities that retained the law due to a true love for it’s effect upon healthy society, that is those who loved the law by the Spirit in it’s position as the 4th commandment, it was they who kept the Letter enforce. But once the authorities and minority concluded that the Letter of the Law was no longer Spiritual, and that the 4th commandment was abrogated in disregard to their grandfather’s doctrine, the Letter of that law was nothing more than the ink in a book called the “old testament”, the story of a Letter written in Stone.
This is due to a lack of desire by church goers to be called by God’s name as God proclaims Him self to be known, and a desire by the disobedient and gainsaying people to fashion a tolerant god that will abide in their heart according to their own laws, The having of another God before the God of the Bible, includes unfortunately the modern day Jesus,when he is the harbinger of self indulgence and self worship of the modern self destructing Church world, it is this guise of self which sits among those Idol’s that reside in the heart, an anti-Christ who many say is God, and who many who say they are Christian say “is in their heart”, it is by the residence of this anti-Christ Jesus, believed to be a law breaking son of the God of the bible, the God who wrote this very law of Sabbath into the table of stone with his own finger and numbered it 4th.
As Such the Jesus in the heart of the church world of today is the Idol in violation of the 1st and 2nd commandment being. As well this Jesus of Sabbath breaking is not the Jesus who came in the name of YHWH according to the scriptures, who was a keeper of the 3rd commandment, which shows the Deu_28:1-10 National Lord proclaimed as He who came in the name of YHWH according to Psa_118:26 as stated by
Joh_12:13 : Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Rather than another Jesus and son of God which opposes the Commandments of His father we Have a Lord and Christ which boldly and loudly Proclaims “The Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath”. (Mar_2:28, Luk_6:5, Luk_13:15), a claim substanciated by the fact attested to by the testamony of Luk_4:16 … his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
The 4th Commandment was the Custom of the Christ! It is the Custom of the Christ-ian! Regardless of what the happy go lucky televangelist, radio preacher or the local pastor tells us, the Sabbath is a biblical fact and way mark of the Godly Christian life.
Some history to think about
The 4 commandment may be one of the most knowledgeably fought against Commandments by the world at large with only a rival of the 7th on adultery, a connection to be noticed. The idea of taking time which God has given us and keep it holy and sanctify it by rest and worship towards Him is particularly fought against by those who espouse themselves as followers of Christ. It is those who call themselves Christians that have done the most damage to this Commandment since the time of the roman church under Victor who condemned the more biblically lawful observance of Polycrates disciple of John, unto the time of Constantine in the 3rd century who enforced the Julian calendar (created by Julius Caesar) with the mated notation of the bishop of Rome by the guise of the treaty of Milan, which brought the non-Julian observers to surface under the guise of tolerance to the end that Rome might quash the opposition of the sunday church according to the Roman dictate; in more recent history after the establishment of the Julian week was excepted by most European Christians Reformationists and Puritians sought to apply God’s Law to ever level of Society, for the level of the 4th Commandment they sought to see sunday regarded as not only church day but as the sabbath of Christendom, to this the so called evangelical church even now opposes under the doctrine of anti-nomianism teaching for doctrine the abrogation of the 4th Commandment, that is mind you: the idea that the Christ of church fathers such as Polycrates, and the disciples of Luk 23:56 who’ rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.’ before attending to the body of the crucified Christ, as well the Christ of our so called protestant Reformers and Puritian fathers of faith who desired the regard of sunday as sabbath.
Thus, a once wise and understanding people, a people called by the name of Christ and of Christ’s God the Father have fallen to moral ignorance and blindness once again yet this time with the name of Christ on their lips and a copy of the book which can correct the fall, the damage has spread like a flood across the world to wash away the Law of God in it’s practical and most rudimentary application, by once again detaching Christ the King from the Kingdom Law, a law which He has been given by the inheritance of His Father YHWH, He Who Is God, the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, the God of Israel who penned every jot an titel upon the heart of the man Jesu(s) Christ.
The Israel of God
A Church which keeps Sabbath
Regardless of at this point of what day you personally believe is the 7th day of the 4th Commandment is according to the weekly calendation; a subject intended to be gotten into by the end of this message.
Consider how important this 4th Commandment is to YHWH GOD, and as a recipient of the New Covenant: a Citizen of the commonwealth and Nation of Israel how important should it be to you and how important should it be to your Nation?
Exo_31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you.
Exo 31:14 Ye shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you: every one that defileth it shall surely be put to death: for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
The subject of the relavant importance of this Commandment to GOD should never be brought to question, the Commandment is so Important to the LORD Judge, that under His ordained order, under His Common Law, has determined the wilful violation thereof was worthy of Death in this life.
.Exo 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
Exo 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever
There is no case for those who wish to be the people of God and their children as the children of God, who willfully forget the Sabbath and it’s holiness, it’s sanctity, and it’s keeping, rather those who kick against the Sabbath by this scripture are Rejected as the people of God and can not be the Spirtual Israel spoken of in Rom_9:6-8…For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel… thus they are not the Israel of God, The LORD only accounts an Ethnic Israelite a true Israelite as He desired them when they desire His ways and His name to be upon their life, a people who desire to walk after the Spirit in the letter of the Law as best they can.
Yet again I must say for those who hear this message wrong: It is by pure Grace that we have within our grasp the LORD’s willingness to forgive, that the statement may always ring true “By Grace ye are saved” a Grace that is nevertheless through Faith, which work together as the gift of God, No not of our own works, nor of how well we keep any Commandment for we are sinners before the face of a holy God, thus it is the Grace of God which is extended constantly to a rebellious and gainsaying people prone to selfish desire and self worship, that when the fullness of time may come in our lindividual life and in the life our Nation God may send the redemption of His the King into our life to use as our battle cry against sin : BY GRACE WE ARE SAVED!
Consider the message YHWH gave Ezekiel for the rebellious house of Israel:
Eze 20:16 Because they despised my judgments, and walked not in my statutes, but polluted my sabbaths: for their heart went after their idols.
Eze 20:17 Nevertheless mine eye spared them from destroying them, neither did I make an end of them in the wilderness.
Eze 20:18 But I said unto their children in the wilderness, Walk ye not in the statutes of your fathers, neither observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols:
Eze 20:19 I am the LORD your God; walk in my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them;
Eze 20:20 And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God.
The Sabbath Day is among the most pressing proofs of the service and worship of the God of the Bible, and the willful or ignorant disregard is among the most proving evidence of ones service or involvement in another system of law or morality. Willful is continuously said due to our great shame as Nation, that is a Genetic people who even if ignorant to the vastness of the Manners and Common Customs of the bible we have decidedly neglected the Creation account with it’s Exclamation point, THE SABBATH DAY!
Ignorant is continuously said, because many now do not even think about the 4th Commandment in it’s simplest sence, let alone examine the scripture for an understanding of it’s importance, this started by past generation’s willful neglect thereof.
The point made in absolutely every account of Sabbath’s observation found in the scripture, is the Testimony of YHWH’s 6 days of work followed by the Sabbath day of Rest and the Command, not the recommendation, of His people to do the same, people that are to be like Him and in His Image, a people that are to be holy as He is Holy. A Command made for man as a liberty of Rest and relaxation intended as part of the holy worship of YHWH the creator and sustainer.
Thus, the Children of Israel are Commanded to make subject all thing in their power by the letter to engender the Spirit:
thou, thy son, thy daughter, thy manservant, thy maidservant, thy cattle, thy stranger that is within thy gates:
For in Six Days the LORD YHWH Made Heaven and Earth,
On the Seventh Day He Sabbathed, and was Refreshed.
The simplicity of a Common day of worship and Rest in the Name of God the creator is a unifying aspect of the Biblical Church and people. When the sabbath is used lawfully the Commonwealth is unified even by the act of desistance of all labor and business. Consider the blue laws so called, that enforced the desistance of sunday business:
By this family was encouraged, the churches were encouraged, American and European work ethic was supported, the benefit of a Common day of worship was an observably positive part of society, and regardless of my convictions against the keeping of sunday, it must be admitted as a good thing for European people to remember the God of the Biblical creation story, as well the keeping of sunday as a Nation had it’s benefits of the papal tradition placed upon the day known as sunday that is that it was the day of the Resurrection of Christ, and by that tie of events of biblical creation and christ’s Resurrection it was assumed by the non-christian peoples that America, United Kingdom, Europe and South Africa and so on were Christian Nations: Just in the topical keeping of sunday this assumption was made by the citizen and the stranger, due to it’s law upon a society and it’s reverence by the society; a reverence which made the antithesis such as the Speakeasy: a place to go in secret to do business on sunday, eat or get a drink, it was the social tolerance of such that began the repeal of the blue laws. To make the matters worse the churches, particularly evangelicals heaped up the anti-nomian doctrine teaching that the law and commandments had been done away, lead by anti-christian portions of society such as businessmen, jews, atheists and communists all lobbying to repeal the blue laws, to change western culture toward self gratification The repeal in some states happened like this: first the businesses of necessity must be aloud to open, restaurants and grocery stores People need food! department and clothing stores people need clothes! as well as a nice out fit for church, ehh? Soon everything fell under the guise of necessity and who ran the stores and restaurants? The original non-sabbatarians, the non-church goers of course, but eventually the church goers concluding from the fat preachers sermon one sunday teaching that it couldn’t possibly be a sin to do a little shopping on grandpa and grandma’s day of rest: so began to use the stores by the populous, sales went up and no further proof was needed for the necessity, so much that church goers eventually couldn’t ‘afford’ to not work on some sunday’s, bt as long as the offering plate was filled on sunday night or wednesday night the fat preachers didn’t mind work rather than church, besides “it’s a christian liberty”.
A bland version of the death of sunday in America, by JS Lowther
The sunday churchers of America would have done well to observe the words of the prophet Amos:
Amo_8:4 Hear this, O ye that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail,
Amo 8:5 Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah (measure) small, and the shekel (money) great, and falsifying the balances by deceit?
Amo 8:6 That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat?
Amo 8:7 The LORD hath sworn by the excellency of Jacob, Surely I will never forget any of their works.
Amo 8:8 Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein?
I hope the mention of Amos’s rebuke for those who desire to do business on the sabbaths and new moons is thought provoking to the prior point, in context it may be read that Amos is describing the abandonment of the new moons and Sabbath’s of the Heavens started by the businessmen who supported the religious system of Samaria, Dan and Beersheba, a system that 1Ki_12:33 tells was started by a calendar change devised by a King’s heart.
One of the reasons the days which our European people used in times past, under Papal and pagan persuasion, have been unable to establish a consistent sabbath day of worship is because of the judeo christian duplicity found on the subject and more damningly the non-intrinsic and thus sign-less basis of the days so named Saturnday and Sunday as well as the whole weekly system. Consider how Commonly in our society saturns day is considered the 7th day of the calendar week of the Gregorian calendar system established by Pope Greg the 8th upon the Julian model which originally used weeks of 7 and 8 days, yet sunday as has been described has overwhelmingly been the day devoted to Sabbath like worship, yet it is regarded as the 1st day of the calendar week. This ability to change the day of worship from the Grego 7th day saturns day to the 1st day sunday is claimed openly to be so by the Papal church authority. Yet in truth this authority is not due to the fact that God has given such power to men, but that the whole calendar system is undeniably derived from it’s Creator MEN: Julius Caesar and Pope Greg the 8th and Not YHWH God, this is easily witnessed by the lack of witness about which day is the Sabbath…there is no sign associated at all with either day.
The 4th creation day ordaining the lights of Heaven must in Reality be closely connected to the 7th day of Rest, the Sabbath of the 4th commandment, easy enough to remember. As a Common Law of a Genetic and National People our Law’s must not be abstract like the grego calendar we live under today, rather it must be organic, that is intrinsic to nature as a fact to the nature of the law of YHWH God: it can never be abolished or changed; thus a Truly Heavenly calendar can not be altered, only ignored or forcibly dissuaded by masters of men.
In the Catholic roman construct of their churches feasts, Sunday takes the precedence, when one studies the history of Easter, X-mas, Lent and sunday Pentecost according to the papal tradition sunday is always the focus point seen clearly in the accepted determination of Anatolius of Alexandria who lived around the year A.D. 230-280, a great mathmatition and man of science who used his God given knowledge to contradict the lunar sabbath of Passover being observed by Christians of Europe and Asia, for the aim of substantiating the keeping of sunday, to replace passover and to establish Easter.
The Julian calendar reformation of Pope Gregory the 8th of the 15 hundreds, when the Julian calendar had noticeably slipped past nature to the eventual detriment of society, the church of Rome had need to wait and issue the adjustment of the calendar only once it had slipped to a time in alignment with the weekly cycle,14 days; As not to disturb the weekly cycle established by the prior Constantinian-Julian system used by the majority faithful, yet folks like George Washington who was born on the day we now use for leap year lost there b-day when the change was issued nearly 200 years after Pope Greg’s decree.
The Calendar of the God of the Bible which we will not begin to discuss is however Organic and Natural, based on observable and infallible proofs able to be witnessed by any one upon the earth in his own voice and language. The only objection which distorts this voice and language is the voice of a man, like a Pope, Emperor or Congress who can only condemn and punish those who will not obey the man made order:
Since the time of Pharaoh king of Egypt who refused to let Israel celibate the feast of YHWH unto Polycrates bishop of Ephesus condemned for celebrating the lunar sabbath of Passover and unleavened bread the words of Daniel persist:
Dan_7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws…
While men and rulers of men may seek to change the times and laws of God, it is not in their power, rather the opposite it fact:
Blessed be the NAME of God for ever and ever:
for wisdom and might are his:
And he changeth the times and the seasons:
he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:
he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:
A Heavenly and Agricultural alternative to the Pagan Julian Gregorian Calendar
True Christian Reconstruction
Biblically Speaking
the 4th Commandment not only governs the rest day in the Commonwealth, but the whole calendar system of the Commonwealth.
YHWH’s order is a Heavenly order an order man can not alter, while man may ignore it, it is ever there as a reminder to the people of Israel in connection with the signs of Genesis creation and the Sign of Exodus 31’s sabbath as a reminder of God’s Grace wither Israel knows it or not, YHWH is faithful:
Jer 31:35 Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:
Jer 31:36 If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
The Heavenly Sabbath is a constant reminder of the Commonwealth of Israel, this Ethnic Nation of Israel is preserved by the King of the Kingdom of Heaven a Kingdom of God:
As most know, who listen to this ministries material know that we follow a Heavenly Calendar comprised of the lights of heaven according to Gen_1:14-19, which lights consist of the Sun, Moon, and Stars; by the three lights mentioned YHWH declares their purpose to be for Signs, Seasons, Days and Years and for Light upon the earth; The 7th day we believe is the accurate Sabbath of God, specifically seen in Exo_31:13 as a ‘sign’ and in Lev_23:2-3 a ‘season or feast’ both translated from the same Hebrew word found in Gen_1:14 ‘moed’, thus this Sabbath day is based purely upon the Heavenly lights of God’s 1st day and 3rd day creation. This system is often called lunar Sabbath, due to the intended overlap of the signs which the moon makes at the end of every week in it’s quarterly phases a 7th day which is enumerated from the new moon every month and holding the new moon as a feast in it’s own right insuperably attached to the last Sabbath of every month and continued into the 1st day of every month reckoned by the renewal of the new moon synonymous words in the Hebrew HeDeS ( pronounced by some as cHoDeSH), therefore the moon in it’s circuit in the Heavens making it’s phase signals the yearly and monthly weeks of the whole Calendar system of the Kingdom of Heaven.
It is from this point forward that due to the overwhelming interconnection found in the scriptures, which naturally or heavenly connects the Day, to the Weeks of Sabbath, to the Months to the Years, and the year to the greatest measurement of time mentioned in scripture the Jubilee, which is an enumeration of every 7 years, which like the new moon in correspondence to the 7th day sabbath out lined above, such is the count of 7 years restarted every 50 years.
As well as the overwhelming interconnection of the Sabbath according to the lunar cycle prior outlined are the Months of the biblical feastly cycle which make up the Agricultural Year, that is that every Sabbath day of this lunar cycle which fall upon the 1’st, 8th, 22nd, and 29th day of every month according to the new moon, in line with every festival named in scripture which has Sabbath days mentioned in it’s observance. Once this is considered from a biblical reality, this sabbath can not be ignored by the ardent bible law observer, as it ties the whole of the scripture together in one lineal system as far as time keeping is concerned.
The Sabbath produced by this Heavenly calendar is the repercussion of 2 very simple rules:
1. The Witness of the lights of Heaven
2. The application of Biblical Law as the Written Witness upon those lights we see.
In other words, no other 7 day cycle is capable of being seen in the lights of heaven that matches to the words of God’s law. There is no sign in the heavens, that dictates a sunday, or a saturns day, or any day of that so called week, but in alternative there is a Natural cycle to the moon which offers signs in it’s phases as way markers to the 7th day and seasons of appointed time.
All calendar observation seats upon the foundation of YHWH’s Rest day called the Sabbath, as found in the 4th Commandment, and of the creation week a seen pattern found in the year, month, week and day of the cultural Nation of Israel in the observance of their National feasts:
The Year because at it’s Agricultural start able to be marked for the geographic specific observer by the placement of the sun and moon in the stars, the stars work as the back drop or face of this Heavenly clock, if we may. By matching the Agricultural laws which we find primarily in
Deu_16:1 Observe the month of Abib, and keep the Passover unto the LORD thy God: for in the month of Abib the LORD thy God brought thee forth out of Egypt by night. the Brenton Greek LXX tells us:
Observe the month of new corn, and thou shalt sacrifice the passover to the Lord thy God; because in the month of new corn thou camest out of Egypt by night.
This is an important fact as witnessed by the creation week, as we see the Genesis basis as
Gen 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the herb of grass bearing seed according to its kind and according to its likeness, and the fruit-tree bearing fruit whose seed is in it, according to its kind on the earth, and it was so.
Gen 1:12 And the earth brought forth the herb of grass bearing seed according to its kind and according to its likeness, and the fruit tree bearing fruit whose seed is in it, according to its kind on the earth, and God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.
As we see the 3rd day of genesis creation before the reckoning of YHWH’s lights as Signs, seasons, days and years upon the 4th day, undoubtedly the heavens were arraigned in the creation of the heavens at the very beginning in some way yet it was at the 4th day that the earth began due to the 3rd day vegetation creation to use the light upon earth.
The Yearly cycle of the Bible is an Agricultural cycle which is marked by those who use all 3 lights of Heaven by the star sign called by most the Zodiak, but called in Job_38:32 Mazzaroth.
Once the Agriculture of the Abib or New Corn of Barley is established the first new month of the new year is signaled by the sign we called the new Moon; the new moon is the only signal in the Heavens which works in conjunction with the sun and stars to form an observable month pattern usable for the common farmer and the astronomer. The term new moon and new month and beginning of the month are synonymous in the Bible.
From the moon and it’s quarterly phase of light witnesses as well to the creation of the earth and the creation week, the new moon is born in darkness upon the end of a prior age but increases in it’s changing week by week or sabbath by sabbath until from it’s darkness it is seen as a true sign upon the 7th day of the month at evening, the following day being the 8th day of sun light according to the month.
And the Sabbath or week coming to it’s full perfection of it’s sign lead by the moon to proclaim the season and the intrinsic 7th day feast of YHWH Proclaimed by Lev_23:2-4 …Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts. Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, an holy convocation; ye shall do no work therein: it is the sabbath of the LORD in all your dwellings. These are the feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which ye shall proclaim in their seasons.
According to Psa_104:19 it is the moon that was appointed for seasons, a word which in the Hebrew is moed (i, im) and is synonymous with the word feast, as in festival as well as the word season prior spoken of in Gen_1:14 .
The Sabbath is a season or feastival time of YHWH, as well the Sabbath is a heavenly sign according to Exo_31:13 , and as thus it is easily understood that from Gen_2:2-3 the sabbath to be appointed by the moon.
The philosopher Philo, a Judean who lived at the time of Christ spoke about the seventh day thus:
And the changes which the moon works in the air, it perfects chiefly in accordance with its own configurations on each seventh day.
And of the Day the smallest and yet greatest part of this Calendar system is as well a testament of the pattern of creation, not to be ignored, as it as well begins as all things in the darkness of creation by the setting of the prior age to be arisen again in time to break forth as the light of the world, to peek at it’s highest brightness at noon day and to set again to prepare for the rebirth of the next day as to hasten along the week, the month, and the year as the most integral part of the Heavenly clock we call calendar.
Within this Heavenly system YHWH has appointed times of this Agricultural year to be times of celebration, we in English also call these feasts, yet in Hebrew they are properly called cHaG H2282: A cHaG is distinct from a season or feast because it is the time period with in the two sabbaths which cap it off so to speak. For the New Covenant recipient there are 3 major annual Agricultural feasts or cHaGs, yet all together there are 1 Passover and Unleavened Bread, 2 Pentecost or feast of weeks, 3 Trumps, 4 Day of Atonement and 5 Tabernacles. The 3 major annual feasts that all males of Israel are required to celibate before YHWH are Celebrations of Agriculture, this is why in the Pentateuch we have the agricultural name for the celebration as well: Unleavened Bread/ Abib -New Ears of barley, Pentecost, the feast of weeks is First fruits of the wheat harvest, and Tabernacles is the feast of In gathering which is at the years end.
When using the Heavenly Calendar as explained prior, which as Lev 23 told us has the Sabbath at it’s base, the whole of the Agricultural Feastivals commanded by YHWH fall neatly and succinctly into place; just as the lay out for the feastivals are capped b two Sabbaths or holy convocation, so by use of the lunar cycle in allowing the moon to appoint seasons the Feast’s Sabbath are included in the regular sabbath cycle as natural building blocks in the month and year.
Now a lot of information on this subject is already available for any one who is willing to look on RNCM website, and free for down load, which will go into the subject of the feasts in much more great detail.
Yet I would like to end this particular message on this note:
Some have said to the few of us that I know, why is it that you don’t just keep the feast days with days that are on the calendar you get from the feed stone or grocery store? It would keep us all together. There are even some who have proposed that reckoning the festivals of YHWH by a realistic Agricultural approach ignores or denies the spring equinox, which is viewed as the start of the solar year, and I’m not arguing that it is not, and some of those questions will inevitably be in the minds of some of the listeners on the net. However, here is the reasoning of why I choose to follow, and I encourage other New Covenant recipients to follow in this fashion as well:
By observing the Calendar of YHWH according to the lights in the Heavens and over laying it upon the Organic, Natural, Intrinsic Agricultural Cycle the feasts of YHWH are no longer abstract archaic reading material, the feast become a Biblical Reality! A Biblical Reality that has the ability bring a Nation together before YHWH in a literal Celebration for all the goods and produce that He gives them by His good blessings! From a Christian Reconstruction mindset, the traditional papal calendar system with it’s abstract sunday and saturday can’t hold a candle to the Heavenly lights of YHWH’s system, the ignorance of Easter and X-mas can melt away in compared to the brilliance of the light of Christ’s Resurrection during the feast of unleavened bread when the actual wave sheaf from your own hand can bring the bead of life all the more close to your walk with him.
The 4th Commandment is not a commandment that only entails the rest and worship to be had at the end of every week, it is a unifying commandment meant to bring the men and families of Christian Israel together in worship as to keep them truly one Nation under God, a Nation who can simply look up into the heavens at any given time, but particularly at the Sabbaths and New moon and remember the sabbath is a sign, a sign made to appoint seasons which remind Israel that so long as the lights of Heaven are shining to the inhabitants of Earth YHWH will not forget you or cast you off!
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