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pt.4 Overview and Application of Covenantalism

 Covenantalism: pt.4 Overview and Application of Covenantalism In this message we will again first center ourselves on the Faithfulness of YHWH God in considering the two distinctively Christian Covenants of Grace and Redemption made within the Godhead assigned unilaterally to the saints as an elect people chosen in Christ the Son to be saved from sin and promised Eternal life through His Godhead and Power, in His Life, Death and Resurrection. We will consider what the testimony of these covenants are as given by both God and affirmed by man. We will then take this concept into an applying Covenantalism … Continue reading

pt.3 Distinctively Christian Covenants, Testimonies, Signs and Works.

In all testimonial signs the scripture appoints ‘elements’ and ‘works’ which comprise the ‘Sign’ and completed as a testimony of the Covenant when accompanied by the graciously given faith of God our Saviour .

Baptism: Water and the person being baptized or immersed- these are its major constituent elements.

Lord’s Supper: Bread (made of wheat or common cereal grain), Wine / Vine (Red wine resembling blood), the person Partaking- these are its major constituent elements. Continue reading

Noah: Perseverant Saint (The Lesson Noah can teach us)

Liturgical message for the 3rd week of Israel’s 2nd Lunar Month ZIF Continue reading

Flesh Pots: The Idol of Lust

….on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt. And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:
 Exo 16:1-2  Continue reading

Let’s talk about modern concepts of Pentecost, shall we?

  This Year if you are an ardent adherent to the Gregorian calendar, AKA The Judeo-papistic feast calendar, you have what has been called a ‘perfect Easter’, and thus a ‘perfect Pentecost’.   What does this mean?   There are 2 cycles at play in the Jewish or Hillel II calendar:   The 7 day week- from sunday /1st day to saturday / 7th day counting scheme &   The MEAN lunar calendar or 18 year lunar cycle, (Hillel II); it is MEAN because it is only an attempt to regulate the festivals of mainstream Judaism with the cycle of … Continue reading